Book Title: Engaging STEM: A Guide to Interactive Resources

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Book Description: Post-secondary teachers will find this interactive collection of STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) resources useful in helping students achieve curriculum expectations in STEM related courses. The practical guide is geared toward building learners’ skills and knowledge of science. Modules will aid student achievement of the following learning objectives:• Engage in science talk, using appropriate terminology and the language of the discipline.• Offer informed explanations about natural phenomena.• Develop digital literacy and a sense of global citizenship. The guide also provides instructional design considerations for developing active learning activities, pedagogical strategies, and sample activities.
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Book Description
Post-secondary teachers will find this interactive collection of STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) resources useful in helping students achieve curriculum expectations in STEM related courses.
The practical guide is geared toward building learners’ skills and knowledge of science. Modules will aid student achievement of the following learning objectives:
- Engage in science talk, using appropriate terminology and the language of the discipline.
- Offer informed explanations about natural phenomena.
- Develop digital literacy and a sense of global citizenship.
The guide also provides instructional design considerations for developing active learning activities, pedagogical strategies, and sample activities.
Engaging STEM: A Guide to Interactive Resources Copyright © 2021 by Elena Chudaeva is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.