Book Title: Creating and Implementing High-Quality, Sustainable Online Programs
Subtitle: A Guide for Program Development Leaders

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Book Description: This book and its accompanying resources empower and enable administrative leaders in Ontario’s post-secondary institutions to strategically develop sustainable, high-quality online programs. It explores key ideas and processes for program success that may not be evident to leaders who have primarily led face-to-face programs. Beginning with an overview of the elements of successful online programs and their networked relationship to each other, it outlines how thoughtful planning and collaboration play a vital role in designing effective programs from program visioning and approval stages, through course design, to program sustainability and continuous improvement. Guiding resources such as retreat plans and example templates are embedded throughout the book, and readers can use the accompanying workbook to document reflections and information that can be practically applied to creating and revising online programs.
Book Information
Creating and Implementing High-Quality, Sustainable Online Programs Copyright © 2022 by Western University is licensed under a Ontario Commons License, except where otherwise noted.Subject
Open learning, distance education