
Timelines and Workload

Navigator module iconWhat is Time Management?

Time management is a learned skill involving prioritizing tasks, controlling the amount of time spent on tasks, and allocating tasks appropriately within the time you have available.

Why Does Time Management Matter to Students?

Time management skills help students to reduce stress, and emotional overwhelm caused by a lack of planning. Students often have to manage a school-work-life balance, which is more than what typical adults have to work. Learning time management early in one’s post-secondary career will make the experience smoother, and the student will likely get more out of their education.

wicked birdy iconThe Wicked Problem -Multi-Tasker? More Like “Multi-Failer” by Hidaya Patel

The Wicked Problem
Finding a Solution
Final Thoughts
APA Reference

Activities iconActivities: Navigate Timelines and Workloads Your Way

By the end of this sub-module you will be able to:

  • Set realistic timelines in order to prioritize and manage your workload
  • Gather information from the program about your timelines and due dates
  • Create a budget for your personal time management
  • Develop strategies to complete your work and projects on time
  • Identify methods to further improve your personal time management

Level 1 – Create a Personal Time Budget

What can I do to create a time budget?

Task: Filling out a time budget worksheet.

Time commitment:  This activity may take between 30 min. and 1 hr. to complete.

Steps to Complete

  1.  Write a list of all your commitments, deadlines, and activities, including the length of time for each item
  2.  Arrange the list from highest priority to lowest priority
  3.  Fill in the weekly time budget sheet starting with the highest priority items first.

dig deeperDig Deeper

Check out these additional resources:

Success Checklist

You will know you have successfully completed this activity when:

  • The worksheet is filled out without going over weekly available hours (168)
  • All items from the high-priority list fit into the spreadsheet without overlap

Level 2 – What you can do to speak to someone else for help

Finding time management advice through TED Talk videos.

Task: Watching and reflecting on TED Talk Videos on Time Management

Time commitment:  This activity may take between 1 (maybe 2) hour(s) to complete.

Steps to Complete

  1.  Watch Time Management: The Unexpected Enemy to Success TED Talk by Amanda Jones
  2.  Watch How to Gain Control of Your Free Time TED Talk by Laura Vanderkam
  3.  Reflect with friends on how your time budgets can be improved using the advice from the TED Talk videos

Success Checklist

You will know that you have successfully completed this activity when:

  • You’ve watched and reflected on the videos
  • You’ve readjusted your time budget to reflect any new understandings of time management

Level 3 – What you can do to share what you’ve learned with other students

Organizing an ‘Hour of Power’ group.

Person with a large clock and lighting bolts depicting the idea of power hour.
An Hour Of Power!

Task: Hour of Power

Time commitment: This activity will take 1 hour to complete.

Steps to Complete

  1.  Gather a group of friends in a workspace
  2.  Set a timer for one hour
  3.  Completely focus on one individual task or project until the timer goes off. You can make a game of seeing how much you can get done before you hear the alarm.

dig deeper iconDig Deeper

Here’s How You Can Use a “Power Hour” to Get Things Done

Success Checklist

You will know that you have successfully completed this activity when:

  • You’ve decided on an activity for your hour of power
  • Your one-hour timer goes off and you see how much you achieved!


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Conestoga College Liberated Learners Resource Copyright © 2022 by Terry Greene et al. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.