
17 Agreements

Agreement in writing makes your content clearer and more readable.  When revising, check these specific areas of writing to check for agreement.

Subject Verb Agreement

Subjects of sentences – nouns – are singular or plural and the verb form must agree with the noun.

Subject-Verb error:                                    Subject-Verb agreement:

We is going to the store.                            We are going to the store.

I were a student at Niagara College       I was a student at Niagara College.


Consistent Verb Tense: Past, Present, Future

Be consistent with your verb tense.

If you are doing something now, use the present tense.  If it happened in the past, use the past tense.  If it has yet to happen, use the future tense.

Present:                          I am watching the new Ryan Reynolds movie.

Past:                                 I saw the new Ryan Reynolds movie last night.

Future:                            I will be seeing the new Ryan Reynolds movie tomorrow.


 Pronouns replace nouns to avoid repetition of the noun, which can be annoying.  The pronoun verb agreement should follow the noun-verb agreement (singular to singular, plural to plural).


Adele loves to sing for people and she started to perform when she was only four years old. 


Language evolves and reflects society changes and needs.  Over the past decade, the ability to use the plural pronouns (they, their, they’re) for a person based on the individual’s preference has become more widely accepted.  Many people now include their pronoun preference in emails and other written communication.   When using a plural pronoun for a singular noun, be careful to make sure it matches the correct noun and reflects the individuals pronoun preference.  When in doubt, check with the person involved.