
Midwife as Practitioner

Edited by:
Elaine Carty, MSN, CNM, DSc
Professor Emerita
Midwifery Program
University of British Columbia

5. Midwife as Practitioner

Around the world, midwives work to reduce mortality and morbidity of the mother and baby during pregnancy, birth and postpartum. But, inequalities are vast. How can midwives meet each family where they are at, and provide the most responsive, reflective care possible?

6. Effective Communication

How can midwives build and maintain a trusting relationship with their clients from the first appointment through to postpartum visits? How do we adapt communication to relay factual, empathic, good or terrible news? We examine the effective interpersonal communication and counselling skills that play a large part midwifery practice.

7. Working Across Differences in Midwifery

Health care settings are political spaces that enact and reproduce relations of power. How should midwives attend to differences between individuals and groupings of people? We consider which differences matter, why they matter, and how midwives may want to think about them. 

8. The Professional Framework for Midwifery Practice in Canada

Midwifery is considered to be one of the oldest female professions in the world, but it is a relatively new regulated health profession in Canada. To what regulatory and professional frameworks are midwives held accountable in Canada? What are a midwife’s responsibilities as regulated health professional?