
Book Title: Comprehensive Midwifery: The role of the midwife in health care practice, education, and research

Subtitle: An Interactive Guide to the Theory and Evidence of Practice


Cover image for Comprehensive Midwifery: The role of the midwife in health care practice, education, and research

Book Description: The re-emergence of midwifery as a primary health care profession is one of the great stories of Canadian health care systems, but this story has been largely undocumented. This invaluable interactive e-book details the history and philosophy of midwifery, how current midwifery theory and policies are developed, and the role of education and research in advancing the field. We include a special focus on the social determinants of women’s health throughout Canada and the world, the principle of health care as a human right, and the principles and scope of midwifery practice. A must-read for Canadian student midwives and others interested in midwifery.

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Book Information

Book Description

The re-emergence of midwifery as a primary health care profession is one of the great stories of Canadian health care systems, but this story has been largely undocumented. This comprehensive e-book details the history and philosophy of midwifery, how current midwifery theory and policies are developed, and the role of education and research in advancing the field. We include a special focus on the social determinants of women’s health throughout Canada and the world, the principle of health care as a human right, and the principles and scope of midwifery practice. A must-read for Canadian student midwives and others interested in midwifery.


Unit 1 discusses the history and philosophy of Midwifery, and how the profession now works within health care systems in Canada and internationally. It also outlines midwifery’s role in developing government policies for their practice and clients, with particular attention given to disparities in health care access, and midwifery’s role in ensuring appropriate health care is accessible to all.

Unit 2 addresses the midwife’s role in a clinical setting as a primary care giver including scope of practice, competency, and organizations that regulate midwifery practice. Particular emphasis is placed on developing the practitioner-client relationship through respect, empathy, and awareness of social barriers to healthcare.

Unit 3 focuses on the midwife’s role as an educator both in the academic setting with student midwives and in the clinical setting working with clients. It discusses the development of curricula for midwifery students and current approaches to parenthood education for clients.

Unit 4 covers the importance of evidence-based practice and producing knowledge through midwifery research, with emphasis on the importance of midwives contributing to research in their field, and how to participate.







Comprehensive Midwifery: The role of the midwife in health care practice, education, and research
Beth Murrary-Davis, RM, PhD; Eileen K. Hutton, BSc, MSc, PhD; Elaine Carty, MSN, CNM, DSc; Karyn Kaufman, DrPH; and Michelle Butler, PhD, MSc, BSc, RM, RN
Gail E. M. Martin, PhD
Andrea Lam, MScBMC (c); Maine Bi, BHSc, MD (c); and Jennifer Belanger, MScBMC, PMP
Allison Campbell, MA, BA, BMW, RM; Andrea Robertson; Cristina Mattison, MSc, PhD(c); Elaine Carty, MSN, CNM, DSc; Jayne E Marshall, PhD, MA, PGCEA, ADM, RM, RN; Kris Robinson,; Lesley Page, CBE, PhD, MSc, BA, RM, HFRCM; Lorna McRae, RM; Mary Nolan, PhD MA BA RGN; Mary Renfrew, BSc, RN, RM, PhD; Michelle Butler, PhD, MSc, BSc, RM, RN; Nadya Burton, PhD; Terri Rypkema, MEd, RCC; and Vicki van Wagner, RM, PhD
Primary Subject
Additional Subject(s)
Gender studies: women and girls, Moral and social purpose of education, Educational strategies and policy: inclusion, Doctor / patient relationship, Medical research, Health systems and services, Primary care medicine, primary health care, Medical sociology, Nurse / patient relationship, Nursing sociology, Ethics and moral philosophy, Women’s health, Pregnancy, birth and baby care: advice and issues, For higher / tertiary / university education
The e-Book Foundry @ McMaster University
Publisher City
Ebook ISBN
ISBN 978-1-927565-15-5