A Word on Language

This e-book is a collection of works by authors of different backgrounds, nations, and professions. Unlike many textbooks, we have allowed and encouraged our authors to maintain their individual voice in their writing. Readers should approach each chapter as a separate entity.
Consistent with policy statements of Canadian midwifery organizations, we endeavour to use language that is respectful of transgender, queer and intersex communities in this book about midwives and midwifery care. Within some chapters there is gendered language since our contributing authors often draw on their own or others’ previously published work and we must necessarily maintain the integrity of that work. As well, some chapters reflect the historical and present day global reality that midwifery is about caring primarily for women and that in many countries both midwives and recipients of care have been rendered largely invisible because they are women, or identified as women.
This e-book was created at McMaster University, which sits on the traditional Territories of the Mississauga and Haudenosaunee Nations, and within the lands protected by the “Dish With One Spoon” wampum agreement. We are currently working with Indigenous editors to ensure our language and content is respectful and equitable, and will update this text with any and all changes necessary to fulfill this need.
Cover art: Beginnings by Annette M. Martin