
15 Training Manual

Bloom’s Levels:


This formative activity leads to the summative activity, which uses the same elements.

Instructions for Students (Example)

Your supervisor asks you to prepare an outline for the manual you are to develop. You are to plan what is to be included in the manual. You prepare an outline by developing an automatic table of contents with the components she has asked you to include. This outline will determine the nomenclature, information structure and format of the manual.

You receive the following email from your supervisor following her meeting with the Administrative Committee (AC).

From: marie.gagnon@entreprisesexcellence.ca

To: suzanne.paul@entreprisesexcellence.ca

Subject: Draft outline of the manual

Hello Suzanne,

As you know, we have been aware for some time that we need to develop a manual for our company’s employees. This procedures manual must be developed in collaboration with the company’s other departments.

I will create a OneDrive folder for us that will contain the files including all the information to include in the guide. Are you familiar with OneDrive or any other cloud system? I would like to present the plan at the next Board meeting, scheduled for next Monday. Can you send me a draft of the plan in the form of a table of contents to review by Monday morning? I am sharing with you the components that need to be in the manual in the attachment.

Thank you,


Attachment: Elements _manual_Excellence_inc


You decide to present an outline to your supervisor that will eventually be used to develop the automatic table of contents for the employee manual. In addition, you feel it is important to familiarize yourself with the use of a storage and collaboration services such as OneDrive, as you realize that your supervisor will use it to share the content to be included in the manual in due course.

  1. Review the following resources that deal with storage and collaboration service systems:
    1. Comment utiliser OneDrive (How to use OneDrive)
    2. ONE DRIVE – Son fonctionnement et que faire avec ? (OneDrive – How it works and how to use it)
  2. Review the following resources on numbering headings using Word:
    1. Numéroter les titres (Numbering headings)
    2. Améliorez la lisibilité visuelle grâce aux titres et sous-titres (Improve visual readability with titles)
    3. Word : Numérotation automatique des titres (Word: Number your headings)
  3. Prepare an outline of the manual that includes the components your supervisor has sent you by completing the following steps:
    1. Organize the elements by creating groups that work well together and follow the same theme.
    2. Classify all elements into headings, subheadings and other levels of styles that respect Word’s procedures

Notes for Students:

  • The document created in this step becomes the basis for the employee manual you will develop.
  • You will use this same document to add content and apply formatting to the guide.
  • Evaluation of this activity will take place when the employee manual is handed over at the end of this module. Page Break

Possible Elements for Inclusion in the Employee Manual

  • Title Page
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • New Employee Guide
  • Word from the President
  • Company Profile
  • History
  • Objective
  • Mission
  • Vision
  • Values
  • Administrative Services
  • IT Services
  • Finance Department
  • Physical and Material Resources
  • Health and Safety
  • Emergency Measures
  • Human Resources Department
  • Role
  • Bond of Trust and Confidentiality
  • Human Resources Services
  • Payroll Department
  • Training Required by Law
  • Employee Benefits and Pension Plan
  • Employee Assistance Program
  • Accessibility
  • Other Services Available
  • Cafeteria
  • Parking
  • Sports Centre
  • Policies and Guidelines
  • Human Respect and Workplace Violence
  • Code of Conduct
  • Budget
  • Reimbursement of Expenses – Staff Members
  • Reimbursement of Mileage
  • Reimbursement of Accommodation
  • Reimbursement and Meal Allowance
  • Procurement Management and Purchasing of Goods – Staff Members
  • Procurement procedures
  • Bibliography

Rubric: Revising and Handing in the Manual










Plan of the manual



Prepares an outline of the manual based on the material presented and by doing the following:

  • Organizes the elements into groups that follow the same themes.
  • Classifies all elements into headings, subheadings and other levels of styles that respect Word’s procedures.

Prepares an outline of the manual based on the material presented; however, makes mistakes that do not affect the quality of the plan in terms of the organization of the groups of elements or the hierarchy of the levels of the headings.

Prepares an outline of the manual based on the material presented; however, makes mistakes that affect the quality of the plan in terms of the organization of the groups of elements or the hierarchy of the levels of the headings.

Does not prepare an outline of the manual based on the material presented.


Prepares a plan that is not relevant.

Content of manual components


Inserts the content into the correct sections of the manual and does the following:

  • Reviews the content and simplifies the vocabulary.
  • Organizes content in point form where needed.
  • Adds hyperlinks where needed.
  • Adds the necessary commands to create the automatic bibliography.

Inserts the content into the correct sections of the manual; however, makes some mistakes or leaves out some details that do not affect the quality of the work.

Inserts the content into the correct sections of the manual; however, makes some mistakes or leaves out some details that affect the quality of the work.

Does not insert the content into the correct sections of the manual.


Inserts content that is not relevant.

Automatic table of contents


Prepares a table of contents that contains all the prescribed elements and meets the following criteria:

  • Automatic
  • Font (sans serif) and appropriate size
  • Indents indicating the levels of headings
  • Section break

Prepares a table of contents; however, makes mistakes or leaves out some elements that do not affect the quality of the work.

Prepares a table of contents; however, makes mistakes or leaves out some elements that affect the quality of the work.

Does not prepare a table of contents.


Prepare a table of contents that is not relevant and which does not meet the criteria.



Applies the following formatting according to the criteria presented and applicable to each of the elements in the manual:

  • Title page
  • Table of contents
  • Content
  • Text
  • Spacing
  • Headings
  • Page footer
  • Bulleted lists
  • Bibliographie

Applies the formatting according to the criteria presented, but make a few mistakes or leaves out a few elements that do not affect the quality of the manual.

Applies the formatting according to the criteria presented, but make a few mistakes or leaves out a few elements that affect the quality of the manual.

Does not apply the formatting according to the criteria presented.


Applies formatting that does not meet the criteria presented.

Review of the colleague’s manual


Offers three (3) to five (5) suggestions for modifications or changes that they would make to their colleague to improve their manual, justifying their comments with arguments related to their learning.

Offers three (3) to five (5) suggestions for modifications or changes that they would make to their colleague to improve their manual, justifying their comments with arguments related to their learning; however, makes mistakes that do not affect the quality of the information in the justification of their comments.


Offers three (3) suggestions for modifications or changes that they would make to their colleague to improve their manual, justifying their comments with arguments related to their learning.

Offers three (3) to five (5) suggestions for modifications or changes that they would make to their colleague to improve their manual; however, makes mistakes that affect the quality of the information in the justification of their comments.


Offers two (2) suggestions for modifications or changes that they would make to their colleague to improve their manual, justifying their comments with arguments related to their learning.

Does not offer suggestions for modifications or changes that they would make to their colleague to improve their manual.


Offer suggestions for modifications or changes that are not relevant.

Language quality


Ensures a quality document by using a language corrector.

Presence of mistakes that do not affect the quality of the language.

Presence of mistakes that affect the quality of the language.

Does not provide evidence of the use of a language corrector.

Technology Used

  • Computer
  • Internet
  • Word processing software (or other Microsoft software)
  • Learning platform (Brightspace)

Facilitation Tips

Provide a list of elements that could be part of the table of contents and the manual to the students.


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