
Student Work Example: Board Game

Game of Life

Group Members:

MacKenzie, Ellie, Jacelyn & Sterling, Brock University

Brainstorming Ideas

  • How to Win: whoever has the most life points wins
  • Begin with no life points, some money, no assets
  • Put life points toward any category

Earn life tokens from scenarios with choices

  • Choices give different amount of life points depending on their appropriateness
    • Ex -Your son is born with Autism.
      • Where do you take him?
        • Doctor (+2)
        • Social group (-1)
        • Specialty clinic(+3)
      • Trivia: right or wrong answer. Right answer gives points
        • Theme of disability theory/awareness


Starting the game:

  • To start, everyone spins the spinner one by one. If you spin an odd number, you have a disability. If you spin an even number, you are an ally of disability. You must start on the path corresponding to these identities.
  • The youngest player will go first, and then take turns in a clockwise direction
  • At the start of your turn, spin the wheel and move that many spaces.
  • The objective of the game is to get through life and cross the finish line with the most life points!
  • Everyone needs a piece of paper to track changes in life points.

Playing the game:

  • Whenever you reach a fork in the road after an orange stop sign, you must follow either the ally (A) or disability (D) path, again corresponding with the identity you were given at the beginning. The disability paths are always longer to represent ableist design and obstacles faced by people with disabilities.
  • At the end of your turn after moving however many spaces, you will have to pull a specific coloured card. With each of these cards, you will either be asked a question or asked to perform an activity. HAVE ANOTHER PLAYER READ YOUR CARD TO YOU. Depending on how you answer a question and whether or not you complete the activities, you will be awarded a certain number of life points which will be indicated on the card (it should be kept secret until after you answer, which is why someone else is reading the card for you). These life points are awarded based on your knowledge of disability studies and ability to apply this knowledge in scenarios.
  • If you reach an orange stop sign space, you must stop no matter what you rolled. Stop and pull an orange physical activity card. The card will indicate how many life points you will receive if you complete the activity successfully.
  • If at the end of your turn you land on a green space, pull a green trivia card. The answer with a star beside it is the correct answer, you will receive 3 life points for a correct answer, and 0 for an incorrect answer.
  • If at the end of your turn you land on pink space, pull a pink scenario card. Each answer has an indicated number of life points beside it that will be received if you chose that answer. Some answers showing an extreme lack of knowledge and respect for disability studies, will result in losing life points you already have (indicated by a negative number).
  • If at the end of your turn you land on a yellow space, pull a yellow life card. These cards will either be positive or negative situations which give or take away life points.
  • If at the end of your turn you land on a yellow space with a spinner on it, spin again!

Ending the Game:

  • The first player to reach the finish (retirement) is awarded 12 life points
  • The second player to reach the finish (retirement) is awarded 9 life points
  • The third player to reach the finish (retirement) is awarded 6 life points
  • The fourth player to reach the finish (retirement) is awarded 3 life points
  • If you are playing with more than four players, anyone finishing 5th or later receives 1 life point when they reach the finish
  • Count the life points you earned throughout the game including any received for crossing the finish line; the player with the most points wins! 

Scenarios (pink cards)

You have a child with a disability and need to find the best resources for how to care for a person with a disability. Where do you look?

  1. On websites that come up at the top of search results when typing in the name of the condition (0)
  2. Through self-advocacy groups and organizations run by people who have lived with the disability (+3)
  3. From a medical doctor (+1)
  4. Wikipedia (0)

Throughout your life you had multiple encounters with disability, which of the following do you find most inspiring?

  1. A boy with learning disabilities scoring a touchdown in football, after two rival teams decide together they will allow this to happen (0)
  2. A woman rising from her wheelchair to take a few steps across a stage (+1)
  3. Learning that over 100 people with disabilities occupied a government building to demand their civil rights and ultimately got what they wanted (+3)
  4. None of the above (+1)

You hear someone be corrected for not using person-first language (i.e., “a person with autism,” “a person with a mobility impairment,” “a person who is blind.”) What do you do?

  1. Nod in agreement, knowing that person-first language is a sign that somebody gets it about disability  (+1)
  2. Blush for the person being reprimanded, wonder how many other ways I’m blowing it, then resolve that it’s better to keep quiet rather than try, only to get it wrong (0)
  3. Think, “wow, this is complicated! I wonder if in a future world when disability is less stigmatized, we’ll have come up with better terms?” (+3)
  4. It’s important to minimize the disability because it’s nothing to be proud of  (-1)

You see a story about a service animal in the media, What do you do?

  1. Put it on Facebook and forward it unread to people I know who might be having a bad day (-1)
  2. Read to determine if there’s something in the story that I don’t expect, then add my own comments (+2)
  3. Wonder how blind people clean up their dog’s poop (0)
  4. Dream of turning it into a script for tv (+1)

You are a person with a disability and someone says “I never think of you as disabled,” in an attempt to compliment you. How does this make you feel?

  1. Flattered (0)
  2. Grateful (0)
  3. Curious what such a statement reveals about how the flatterer thinks about disability (+2)
  4. Like sharing the compliment with the media (0)

You want to be the best non-disabled ally for disability rights, how can you do this?

  1. Anticipate what people with disabilities might need without having to ask any questions, and take the initiative to do these things (0)
  2. Talk loudly and slowly to be understood by people with all ranges of ability (0)
  3. Reflect on the privileges you hold and join in the struggle by following the lead of people with disabilities (+3)
  4. Dive in and feel good – there’s so much work to be done that the disability rights movement will welcome you and the important strengths you bring (+1)

It’s disability awareness week at your school and you have volunteered to help out with the organization, what do you focus on?

  1. Provide lots of information so everyone can become knowledgeable about disability studies (+3)
  2. Making sure to provide good food at the events (+1)
  3. Organize on online training course with the chance of winning a free tablet for having the most disability knowledge (+2)
  4. Make sure to continue advocating long after disability awareness week is over (+4)

You have a friend who has a speech impairment and sometimes you’re not sure what he is saying. You should:

  1. To make things easier, just pretend you understand him (0)
  2. Simply ask your friend to repeat himself (+2)
  3. Ask your friend to write it down for clarity (+1)

You are having a conversation with a stranger in the library who uses a wheelchair. How do you respectfully converse with her?

  1. Speak to her in simple terms  like you would with a child (-5)
  2. By crouching on the floor so you can look her in the eyes without having to relocate (-2)
  3. Do not look at her when you are speaking to her (0)
  4. Find somewhere to sit and chat with her, if possible (+2)

You are beginning your first day as a medical student and someone in your class says that they hope to one day find a cure for disability. How do you respond?

  1. “With how far science and medicine have come, I’m sure that is possible!” (0)
  2. “That seems hard because there are so many kinds of disability, it would be a long project for sure” (+1)
  3. “That is impossible, what does it even mean to cure a disability?” (+2)
  4. “The disabled community will thank you one day!” (-1)

Maureen is in your High Profile Political Assassination Tactics & Strategies class. She hands in her accommodation letter. She has accommodations for distraction reduction and additional exam time. However, on exam day, she shows up in class. You assume she is not using her additional exam time. She gets very frustrated when time expires, stating she wanted extra time but not reduced distractions. Do you have to give your student the extra time?

  1. Yes, she had the accommodation therefore she should still get it. (-1)
  2. Yes, it is my fault for not asking her. (-2)
  3. No, she smells like fruitcake. (+1)
  4. No, it is her responsibility to make her wishes clear to me prior to the exam. (+2)

You meet a student at the beginning of the year to discuss accommodations. They seem to have trouble focusing and are easily distracting. It reminds you of your bro who has severe autism. You have learned to help your brother through problems. You want to help this student as well. Do you ask the student to disclose their disability so you can provide additional support?

  1. No, that is inappropriate. (+1)
  2. No, It is a violation of privacy and their rights. (+2)
  3. Yes, I am a disability guru and can save them. (-2)
  4. Yes, there is nothing wrong with asking. (-1)

A student in your class, Sterling, is constantly cracking every joint in their body. Sterling registered accommodations with you early in the semester, you assume the joint cracking is a side effect of the disability or perhaps the treatment. It is very distracting to you and other students. Do you accommodate this behaviour if it is possibly due to a disability?

  1. Yes, who am I to bring up their cracking? (-1)
  2. Yes, the students and I can deal with it. (-2)
  3. No, he is so annoying and is always on his phone. (+1)
  4. No, every student is expected to adhere to the student code of conduct which forbids distracting activity. I will address the behaviour as such. (+2)

Mackinzee has enrolled in TikTokology for 37 weeks. She missed a TON of classes, like a lot. She hands the professor a note at the end of the year. The letter is an accommodation letter stating she has a considerable amount of absences due to disability related reasons and has permission to perform make-up tests and assignments. The professor accepts the letter and tells her they will contact them with the next steps. Did the professor do the right thing by accepting this letter?

  1. No, the student should have met with the professor at the beginning of the course. (-1)
  2. No, she can fall in a well for all I care. (-2)
  3. Yes, it is the professors duty to accept valid accommodation letters from students. (+2)
  4. Yes, honestly the system sucks and I’ll give out any handouts possible without losing my tenure. (+1)

Jaycelyn registered for the How To Pull Chicks in a 67’ Mustang lab. She has accommodations for extended time and reduced distractions. This complicates things as the lab exam gives students 4 minutes for each station. As the TA, are you expected to change the format of this exam for this student?

  1. Perhaps, if the skill being demonstrated requires a strict time component, for example, cpr or doing a sweet burnout before the tires start to melt, then you should not have to reformat the exam. (+2)
  2. Yes, the student is entitled to extra time. (+1)
  3. No, I am not reformatting the entire exam, essentially giving every student the accommodation. (-1)
  4. Yes, I will do the exam at a later time with the student 1 on 1 with extended time and reduced distractions. (-1)

Ellie enrolled in Backflips as a Personality 101. She requires the note taker accommodation after failing a backflip. The professor has made announcements to acquire one for weeks but no student has volunteered. The professor types up their own notes to each lecture for Ellie. Did the professor have any other options?

  1. Yes, the professor could have informed SAS and gotten help solving this issue. Also, this is unfair to other students who do not have access to the teachers notes. (+2)
  2. No, there is no other way to provide Ellie her notes. (-2)

Frank Ocean is eligible for double time in his exams. Due to scheduling conflicts, the professor wishes to give him half the exam, at normal time, and the same amount of points. Frank informs the teacher he would rather take the regular exam with the time accommodation. Is a half exam a reasonable accommodation?

  1. No, of course not. This guy released blonde. Give him whatever he wants. (+1)
  2. No, halving the test and doubling the points is a fundamental change to the exam and is not reasonable. (+2)
  3. Yes, it is mathematically equivalent and therefore logistically equivalent. (-2)
  4. Yes, there is no other way to handle the scheduling conflict. (-2)

John Bonham has risen from the dead and is teaching Insane Dirt Nasty Drum Triplets and Drum Licks 401. John whips out an old TV and VCR to show the class some live footage of himself that is narrated over. A student in his class is hearing impaired and has an interpreter in the class with them. The clip does not have closed captioning but the professor informs the student they can use the interpreter. Is this an appropriate accommodation?

  1. No, it is unreasonable to expect the student to watch the interpreter and film at the same time (+2)
  2. No, John should have edited the VHS tape to have closed captioning (+1)
  3. Yes, do not question Bonzo (-2)
  4. Yes, the point of the interpreter is to be able to interpret (-1)

You get hired on as an accessibility developer for a computer software company and are told to create a fully accessible website. What do you do?

  1. Tell your boss that people with disabilities don’t use computers (-2)
  2. Provide a Braille output software (+1)
  3. Add a speech-to-text/text-to-speech software (+2)
  4. Agree that the website is accessible enough for majority of users (-1)

You are volunteering in Maureen’s SNAP program and she is running late. She asks you to start the lesson with activities that work on deceleration and acceleration movements. What do you do?

  1. Set up wedge mats/mats on an incline and have students practice rolling up and down the mats (+2)
  2. Tell students to get in pairs push one another to understand accelerating movements (-1)
  3. Take students outside to a hill and have them practice running uphill and downhill (+1)
  4. Ignore Maureen’s request and play dodgeball instead (-2)

Abby, a student in the school to community classroom who is living on the spectrum, experiences moments of lashing out and temper tantrums when she gets frustrated. She gets frustrated that she cannot perform the activity of rocking and rolling. As the instructor, what do you do?

  1. Allow Abby to sit out and not perform the activity to avoid having to deal with her tantrums (-1)
  2. Force Abby to keep trying and don’t let her give up until she masters rocking and rolling (-2)
  3. Modify the task to make it more developmentally appropriate (+2)
  4. Give Abby a minute to recuperate away from the other students, and let her try again when she is ready (+1)

Samantha has an IEP and is granted extra time on quizzes, assignments, and exams. She goes to write her final exam and no additional time has been added. She hit the time limit, but did not complete all of the questions. She emails you, the professor, asking for additional time. What do you do?

  1. Do not grant her additional time. Samantha should have messaged you before the exam to remind you to add time (-2)
  2. Allow her to complete the rest of the questions without a time limit as it was your responsibility to add addition time prior to the exam (+2)
  3. Grant her an extra hour to finish the exam (+1)
  4. Make Samantha redo the exam from the start with added time (-1)

Karl has a visual impairment and benefits from activities that have bright colours and provide auditory feedback. He wants to be included in a community program that is inclusive to all impairments. As the creator of this program, what resources may be included to make it more inclusive for visual impairments?

  1. Vibrant coloured cones, balls, and other equipment (+2)
  2. Small balls and targets to increase accuracy (-1)
  3. Have Karl sit out on activities that require visual senses (-2)
  4. Have targets produce a tone when they are hit (+1)

It is disability awareness month, so your teacher decides to invite a guest speaker to come in to discuss disability and how it has impacted her life. She has been diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy which has impaired her walking abilities, requiring her to use a walker. You teacher wants you to think of a question to ask. What should your question be?

  1. Can you take me for a ride on your walker? (-2)
  2. Have you ever experienced inaccessibility when it comes to places you can use your walker? (+2)
  3. Can your Cerebral Palsy be fixed/cured? (-1)
  4. Have you ever been excluded from activities because of Cerebral Palsy? (+1)

You are put into a situation in which someone ascribes an identity to you that does not match with your avowed identities. How do you respond?

  1. Scream at them and tell them they have no right to ascribe other’s identities (-2)
  2. Go along with it rather than correcting them to avoid embarrassing them and you (-1)
  3. Politely correct them as to what your avowed identity (+2)
  4. Educate them on the negative impacts of ascribing one’s identity (+1)

A student in your class has ADHD which causes them to fidget constantly, experience difficulty in concentration, present impatient behaviors, and interrupt conversations/activities. What would be the best teaching strategy to enhance learning/participation for this student?

  1. Do not provide the student with breaks or time to move around as they may just get more distracted (-1)
  2. Provide positive reinforcement when they are concentrating and not interrupting others (+1)
  3. Provide this student with an accommodation to complete assignments/tasks/activities in a private area or in smaller groups (+2)
  4. Provide many cues (posters, toys, activities, etc.) for the child to engage with when they are not completing the primary task (-2)

You are doing an assessment of your university to determine the most prevalent barriers that limit accessibility. You must make note of the barrier(s) and list one way to effectively remove each barrier. Of the list you made in your notes, which would be the most effective at increasing accessibility?

  1. Lack of accessible software on computers; addition of text-to-speech/speech-to-text software (+1)
  2. Hallways leading to lecture rooms are poorly lighted; provide a flashlight to every student with a disability (-2)
  3. Accessibility button for washroom is broken; provide a door wedge to keep the door open (can be removed when the door needs to be closed (-1)
  4. Only one seat in lecture room located at the very front for wheelchair users; replace steps with ramps so everyone has access to all levels (+1)

You are running a physical education class with both able-bodied and disable bodied individuals. Your lesson plan is focused on Volleyball, and you want everyone to have equal opportunities, but two classmates have impairments in gait that need to be considered. What are the best options for creating equality and inclusivity for all?

  1. Have everyone stand in a circle with the two students who are in wheelchairs remain seated and perform a “keep up” activity (-1)
  2. Have the two students who are impaired set up as targets while the other students attempt to serve the ball over the net and hit the target (-2)
  3. Have all students sit on the ground, only able to use their hands to play the ball over the net or to their teammates (+2)
  4. If available, have all students use a wheelchair, and compete in a friendly match of volleyball over ground-level nets (+1) 

You have just found out that your best friend has a disability. How do you approach the situation?

  1. Ask a bunch of invasive questions (-5)
  2. Scream at they didn’t tell you (-5)
  3. Acknowledge the fact and treat them with the same respect and dignity (+5)
  4. Go around telling everyone you know (-5)

An individual in your PE class is unable to grasp a ball due to lack of grip strength. What activity would you recommend?

  1. Velcro toss and catch (Velcro ball and round platforms that attach to hand) (+ 10)
  2. Spud (0)
  3. Basketball (-3)
  4. Spike ball (1)

A student in your class struggles to take notes from the whiteboard. You find that they often miss key points or words throughout the lesson. What accommodations can be made?

  1. Provide the class with a fill in the blank sheet that has the notes for the lesson (+10)
  2. Yell at him to focus better (-10)
  3. Allow for group work so students can compare notes (+10)
  4. Give the class the option to type notes rather than write them (+5)

In a work meeting you hear some coworkers talking poorly about an individual that has a service animal. One then stands up and goes to pet and play with the animal. How do you approach the situation?

  1. Jump in and explain why it is not okay to pet and play with a service dog while it is on duty (+5)
  2. Scream at them to stop talking (+1)
  3. Politely jump in and try to ask why they feel it is necessary to say rude things (+2)
  4. Tell a higher up so they can hopefully educate their staff (+5)

An individual that is 9 months old shows that they are unable to cross the midline and prop themselves up onto their hands and knees. What does this suggest?

  1. The individual is behind in their motor milestone development (+5)
  2. They lack core strength (+5)
  3. Embedded curriculum would be a great way to help develop these skills (+5)
  4. All of the above (+15)

Knowledge (Trivia) (+3 life points for answering correctly) (green cards)

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was mostly:

  1. A politically-correct government trying to do the right thing
  2. The result of disabled people’s grassroots activism and careful coalition building
  3. A boon for greedy, unscrupulous lawyers
  4. None of the above

Invisible disabilities are:

  1. Not real disabilities because they don’t provoke the same overt prejudice as visible ones
  2. define a segment of people with disabilities that need to be more fully integrated growing into disability communities
  3. a phase that most people eventually pass through and go on to lead healthy, productive lives
  4. invented by fakers who can afford to pay for a disability diagnosis to get extra time on exams in college classes

Which is more likely to accompany disability?

  1. Poverty
  2. An unemployment rate more than double that of nondisabled people
  3. Low expectations
  4. All of the above

 Most blind people:

  1. Live in total darkness, having been born that way
  2. Are complicated, just like everyone else
  3. Have been completely shut out from mainstream technology
  4. Are great masseurs because of their heightened sense of touch

Autistic people:

  1. contribute to human neurodiversity, an emerging concept that requires more nuanced public conversations.
  2. are primarily white men and boys who display an interest in mathematics, computers, and science.
  3. are the victims of a rogue vaccine
  4. realistically should live in institutions

True or False: Only People who can’t walk use wheelchairs.

  1. True
  2. False

Partial Accessibility successes are examples of:

  1. Transportation legislation
  2. Tokenistic solutions
  3. Improved consultation with disabled people
  4. Revised architecture and design curriculum

True or False: It is safe to assume that people with disabilities usually need help.

  1. True
  2. False 

True or False: People with Cerebral Palsy usually have a cognitive delay or disability too.

  1. True
  2. False

True or False: If a public space such as a movie theatre or restaurant says they are wheelchair accessible, that means it is easy for people who use wheelchairs to enjoy.

  1. True
  2. False

Disability is a social construct.

  1. T
  2. F

Which of the following does not belong to the medical movement of disability history?

  1. Sterilization
  2. Adoption
  3. Institutionalization
  4. Euthanasia

Impairments do not necessarily lead to a disability until society creates a physical or attitudinal barrier.

  1. T
  2. F

Voices in the disabled community are well represented in academia.

  1. T
  2. F

Disability traditionally is presented in a way that individualizes the disability and leaves the individual to bear all responsibility.

  1. T
  2. F

Disability studies is the _____ side to the disability rights movement.

  1. Pandering
  2. Political
  3. Capitalist
  4. Academic

The medical movement aimed at ‘purifying’ a race from physical impairments, as well as other traits such as religion and skin colour is known as ____.

  1. Critical Disability Theory
  2. Eugenics
  3. The Medical Model
  4. Flooding the Engine

There is a general absence of disabled peoples perspectives in our culture.

  1. T
  2. F

The word handicap(ped) is an up to date appropriate term to refer to a disability.

  1. T
  2. F

Discrimination in favour of able-bodied peoples is ableism.

  1. T
  2. F

Only people who can’t walk use wheelchairs.

  1. T
  2. F

Most individuals with a disability cannot work.

  1. T
  2. F

Individuals with disabilities want the same respect and opportunities as others.

  1. T
  2. F

Who is responsible for paying for a worker’s possible accommodations?

  1. The individual
  2. The employer of the business
  3. Charity
  4. Board of health and safety

You should always speak directly to the individual, not through their support worker or companion.

  1. True
  2. False

Service animals are the same as pets.

  1. True
  2. False

Which one is not a characteristic of tokenism?

  1. Recruiting a small number of people from an underrepresented group in order to practice a symbolic effort to give them the appearance that they are given equal opportunities
  2. Treats people as tokens due to their particular characteristics
  3. Solves prejudice or discrimination
  4. Seeing and treating persons living with disabilities as different

Which one is not a characteristic of the medical model?

  1. Seen as factual
  2. Not the individual’s problem, but rather that of the environment/society
  3. Label disability as abnormal, loss, restriction, lack of
  4. Rehabilitation programs to “fix” individual’s symptoms

Personal Tragedy Model is characterised by all, except:

  1. Disability as a sign of struggle
  2. Expected to deal with their disabilities privately
  3. Disability viewed as endured misfortune
  4. Utilizing materialistic views about the advantages and superior value of disabled bodies

Ableism is characterized by all, except:

  1. Giving persons with disabilities many opportunities to fully participate in society
  2. Treating persons with disabilities as inferior
  3. Attitudes that limit the potential for persons with disabilities from fully participating in society
  4. Persons with disabilities are seen as needing to be fixed or helped

Where is the Fully Accessible Condominium planned to be built?

  1. Montreal
  2. Pickering
  3. St. Catharines
  4. Kingston

Denmark has a vision to create ProjectZero (State of Green) by 2029.

  1. True
  2. False

Which of the following is an example of accessibility in architecture?

  1. A 4 x 4 fitting room at Walmart
  2. Size 10 font on a directory map at the mall
  3. A ramp at the front entrance of a restaurant
  4. Separate, dark hallway for disabled person to access conference room

Speech-to-text/text-to-speech software is a poor example of accommodating neuro-diversity?

  1. True
  2. False

All of the following make up the main 3 main manifestation of Cerebral Palsy, except:

  1. Spasticity
  2. Hyperactivity
  3. Athetosis
  4. Ataxia

Patting your friend who uses a wheelchair on the head is a way of strengthening/restoring their sense of dignity?

  1. True
  2. False

Physical Activities (orange cards)

Objects we need: 1 purple yoga ball (size of a tennis ball but softer), 2 dice, 10 playing cards of random suits, 6 red solo cups, bouncy ball

  • Toss the purple ball in the air (as low or as high as you want, safely) and catch it. You get as many life points as times you succeed in a row (maximum 10 times).
  • Roll 2 dice, touch your nose as many times as the number you roll and earn 3 life points for completion
  • Take the 10 playing cards and sort them by suit, earn 5 life point for completion
  • Travel in a circle around the entire group playing this game, earn 8 life points for completion
  • Stack the 6 red cups in a triangle with three on the bottom, two in the middle, and one on top (*includes a drawing on the card for clarity*) earn 10 life points for completion
  • With the player to your right, pass the purple ball back and forth 5 times while each only using one hand. Both earn 10 points for completion.
  • Transfer a coin back and forth from one pocket to another with 1 point award each time you successfully transfer to both pockets (right to left pocket = +1 point). See how many transfers you can get in 30 seconds while standing.
  • Using a button up shirt, see how long it takes you to completely button up the shirt while walking. Under 10 seconds is awarded +10 points, 10 to 15 seconds is awarded +5 points, over 15 seconds is awarded +2 points.
  • Bounce a tennis ball off the ground 10 times. Player is awarded a point for each successful catch after the ball bounces off the ground. 1 catch = +1 point.
  • Roll one die and whatever number it lands on is the number of people you must high-five (or elbow shake) that are not playing the game. (+1 point per high five)
  • Starting from a standing position, get to a lying position without using one of your arms. Then get back to a standing position still without using that same arm. Awarded +10 points for completing the task.
  • Throw a tennis ball over your head from one hand and catch it with the other 5 times in a row. (+5)
  • While sitting on the floor, touch a ball to your toes then lean back and touch the ball to the ground behind your head. (+1 per repetition, up to 5 times)
  • While sitting on the floor. Bend your knees at a 90-degree angle with feet still on the floor. Roll a ball from one side to the other as much as you can in 15 seconds. (+5)
  • With your legs extended straight. Reach towards your toes as far as you can and hold. (+5)
  • Have 5 items on one side of your body. While sitting and using one hand, transport one item at a time to the other side of your body. (+5)
  • Starting with a stack of pencils (or any small object) on your left side, reach across the body with the right hand and bring the object to the right side. Do this until all objects make it to the right side and then switch and use the left hand. (+5)
  • Start on one foot and jump in a square formation alternating the landing foot
    • ○ Jumping pattern:Forward, right, back (down), left, forward (up),
  • Place a marker in front of you and spin it as if it was a bottle. The person that the cap faces has to switch spots with you for one round of the game (+5)
  • While sitting in your chair reach down to the floor on your left side and roll a marker under the chair to the right side. Sit up and grab the marker with the right hand and then send it back to the left side (+5)
  • With the two USB’s (white and orange) start with one in each hand. At the same time toss them up and across to the other hand. Try your best to catch them both. (+5)

Life Cards (good and bad) (yellow cards)

  • You donate a large sum of money to the Canadian Foundation for Physically Disabled Persons (+15)
  • You volunteered for Disability Awareness Month and efficiently assisted people with disabilities rather than taking the lead (+5)
  • You just had a baby and noticed all the early onset signs of Cerebral Palsy. Your child was diagnosed very early on in life (+10)
  • You started a club at Brock University to dedicate time and resources to advocating for students with invisible disabilities (+10)
  • You become fluent in sign language (+20)
  • You open up a restaurant and provide menus in braille (+15)
  • You follow many people with disabilities who advocate on their social media. You gain knowledge from their experiences (+10)
  • You take a lot of time to self-reflect on your own internalized ableism and eliminate ableist terminology from your vocabulary (+5)
  • You start educating your children about disabilities at a young age. You read them picture books featuring characters with disabilities that promote disability. Great Parenting! (+15)
  • You shop from and support local businesses run by people with disabilities in your community (+10)
  • You have to remodel your kitchen counters so they are low enough for your daughter who uses a wheelchair (-20)
  • You have to pay a contractor to widen the doorway of your house to fit a wheelchair (-30)
  • You try to take public transit to your job but the only wheelchair accessible spot was taken, so you have to wait for the next bus which makes you late for work (-5)
  • You get separated from your friends at school because they all walk to class up the stairs and you have to take the elevator (-5)
  • You want to start working out but can’t fully access The Zone at Brock University (-5)
  • People your whole life undermine and dismiss your disability just because they can’t see any physical signs (-10)
  • You have a service dog and people everywhere you go do not respect the dog as an extension of you. Strangers disrespect you by trying to pet him and play with him. (-10)
  • There is a girl in your class with a disability. You constantly try to do things for her because you think she is incompetent to do them on her own (-20)
  • You are at the grocery store and a woman tells you she loves your outfit, she then follows it up by saying “I’ve never seen such a stylish person in a wheelchair before.” She assumes that because of your disability, you cannot have an interest in fashion. (-10)
  • You, as a disabled person, tweet something about disability rights that goes viral. But, instead of retweeting your post, fully able-bodied people are quoting it and adding their own captions. They are speaking over you and trying to summarize or explain your feelings and experiences with disability. (-20)
  • You organize a protest at city hall for passing a bill that charges people with disabilities 30$ extra for a haircut. (+10)
  • You pass KINE 4P02 with an 80. (+5)
  • Maureen takes you under her wing to contribute to the disability community. (+20)
  • Your child has MS, you bring her to the doctor as soon as possible rather than later in her life. (+20)
  • You volunteer with Bethesda. (+10)
  • You are elected Prime Minister; you allocate the entire federal budget towards equitable infrastructure. You are assassinated 3 days later. (+20)
  • You talk to a person with a disability directly instead of their caretaker. (+5)
  • You use the person first terminology. (+5)
  • You educate yourself on current disability issues online. (+5)
  • You train a person with CP on proper physical exercise. (+10)
  • You get a 40 in KINE 4P02. (-5)
  • Your child gets bullied for being in a wheelchair. (-5)
  • Someone parked in the only accessible parking spot. You have no feet. You must go to sky zone another time. (-10)
  • You bully James, a child with Downs Syndrome. You get clocked in the face by his Mom. (-20)
  • You are an architect. You design a public building with elevators at the back of the building and stairs at the front. (-15)
  • You are a teacher. You have prejudice towards people with disabilities. You pass this prejudice onto your students in the hidden curriculum.
  • You are elected town mayor. You decide to abolish accessible parking. (-20)
  • You must pay for your own prosthetics because your health insurance won’t cover it. (-10)
  • You are given 6 months to live due to a degenerative crippling disease. You spend most of it on forums saying the disease isn’t real. (-30)
  • You are Kanye West. You play a game of wheelchair basketball, but you do not use a wheelchair. You drop 106 points. (-10)
  • You complete a class presentation on accessibility and receive an 85% (+5)
  • You protest against the inaccessibility of the new Zone expansion (+10)
  • You attend a virtual seminar about how to avoid stereotypes and derogatory language associated with disability (+10)
  • You sign a petition to the Government of Canada for the implementation of Canada Disability Benefit (+15)
  • You volunteer with Maureen’s SNAP program (+10)
  • You notice your child is presenting signs of autistic behaviour. You talk to your family doctor and enroll in classes to better understand Autism (+15)
  • You learn the damaging and discriminatory effects of the medical model, realizing a person’s disability is not the individual’s problem, but rather that of society and the environment (+20)
  • Rather than asking for useless gifts for Christmas, you ask for money to be donated to the Independence at Home charity (+15)
  • You get hired on as an architect for CORE Architects Inc. to design fully accessible homes (+10)
  • You get an excellent reference from your placement supervisor at Big Brothers Big Sisters (+5)
  • You define someone by their disability (-15)
  • You, as an able-bodied individual, use the only wheelchair accessible bathroom forcing a person using a wheelchair to wait (-10)
  • You call Peter, who is living with a mental impairment, “retarded” (-20)
  • You refuse to offer your seat on the bus to an elderly woman who clearly has a mobility impairment (-10)
  • You steal your grandma’s accessible parking permit so you can park closer to the mall entrance (-5)
  • You ask a person if they lost their leg due to a terrible car accident (-5)
  • You yell really loud to communicate with Linda because you know she has a hearing impairment (-10)
  • You refer to Miranda as “the cripple” when introducing her to your friends because she uses a walker (-20)
  • You are required to use the backdoor entrance to a restaurant because the front entrance has stairs and the hallways are far to narrow for your wheelchair (-15)
  • You cannot use the bus stop near your house during the winter season because the sidewalks are not maintained and the path has not been cleared (-10)
  • You are able to walk into a building and point out inaccessible aspects of the architecture. (+5)
  • You take the time to educate yourself on indirect ableism ( +5)
  • You educate a peer on person first vocabulary (+5)
  • You educate your peers on the importance of attitude towards disability (+10)
  • You volunteer for a movement program that helps teach the fundamentals to different individuals (+10)
  • You design an accessible activity for individuals who use a mobility device (+15)
  • You embed motor milestones into a daily lesson (+15)
  • Create an activity with lots of wait time and lines (-10)
  • You use someone’s disability against them in an activity (-15)
  • You ignore someone due to a disability (-20)
  • Make assumptions towards an individual who uses a mobility device (-20)


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