
3 CMB 3 – Highway 28 Woodview

Heidi Daxberger and Phillip Ruscica

GPS Coordinates (44°36’14.92″N, 78° 7’44.85″W)

Parking: You can park along the shoulder of the road.

Click here to open the Bedrock Geology legend on the OGS website


The CMB 3 site offers a chance to investigate calcarious metasedimentary rocks (calc-silicate rocks) which were highly strained (deformed) during the Grenville orogenic events and additionally intruded by multiple igneous bodies (felsic-mafic).  In turn some of the igneous intrusions show deformation (e.g. boudinage).



The Digital Outcrops

The following model is the southernmost section of the outcrop showing the intricate pattern of metre-scale folding of the metasedimentary  (calc-silicate) rocks and the cm-scale parasitic folding. The scale bar in the centre is 40 cm long.



The following model is the second section of the outcrop from south to north again shows a textbook example of folding of the Proterozoic calc-silicate rocks of the Grenville that are overprinted by cm-scale secondary folding. Furthermore, axial plane cleavage can seen in this outcrop section. The general strike of the foliation in the (beige-white-grey) calc-silicate rocks is about 18 degrees (north) or 200 degrees south, depending of the dip of the often intensely folded rocks.



The following model is the centre section of the outcrop that shows a perfect top view of the North-South striking foliation planes. From this view one can also observe metre to cm-scale boudins of metamorphosed mafic bodies or more silicate-rich layers  of the calc-silicate rocks.



The northern-most 3D model of the road outcrop at Woodview shows a complicated pattern of younger felsic intrusions into the calc-silicate rocks. The igneous intrusions seen here may represent either two separate intrusions (different timing and source), one reddish-pink and one light grey, or two separate pulses fed by the same magmatic body.




Site Images

Close-up Outcrop Imagery (from South to North)



The Digital Hand Sample

Clicking on the image below allows you to investigate a hand sample (VLS-21-8) of the pale beige-grey calc-silicate rocks found at the Woodview location. In the section further down in the pressbook you will be able to view thin sections of the respective hand samples.

The following virtual hand sample (VLS-21-10) shows the grey to beige color of one of the felsic intrusion (northern most outcrop section) at Woodview.



Click on the image below to view a virtual hand sample (VLS-21-60) of the reddish felsic intrusion found at the here featured northern part of the Woodview outcrop.

The next virtual hand sample is an example (VLS-21-64A) of one of the metamorphosed mafic intrusions. This specific sample was take on the opposite side of the road where a better outcrop of the metamorphosed mafics was available.

Click on the next image to investigate another sketchfab model (VLS-21-62) of a mafic sample taken at the Woodview outcrop.



Description of Thin Sections

In the following section you can take a look at thin section imagery of sSamples take at CMB 3 which correlate to the samples shown above where available. The slide show below features the whole section scans of the provided thin sections. Further below you will find videos of full 360 degree rotations at specific close up locations of each thin section (in Plane Polarized Light PPL and Crossed Polarized Light XPL).



The following videos show 360 rotations of a close up of the thin section VLS_21_7  in XPL.

The following videos show 360 rotations of a close up of the thin section VLS_21_8  in PPL and XPL.



The following videos show 360 rotations of a close up of the thin section VLS_21_9 in PPL and XPL.




The following videos show 360 rotations of a close up of the thin section VLS_21_10 in PPL and XPL.


The following videos show 360 rotations of a close up of the thin section VLS_21_60 in PPL and XPL.


The following videos show 360 rotations of a close up of the thin section VLS_21_62 in PPL and XPL.


The following videos show 360 rotations of a close up of the thin section VLS_21_64A in PPL and XPL.


The following videos show 360 rotations of a close up of the thin section VLS_21_64B in PPL and XPL.



Scanning Electron Microscope

Sample VLS-21-64A-Middle



Sample VLS-21-64A Middle Right



Sample VLS-21-10



Sample VLS-21-9



Sample VLS-21-62



Go to the next chapter: CMB 4 – Highway 28 North of Apsley!