
2022-2023 Accessibility and Disability Inclusion Update

A globe with various diverse people with a wide variety of identities dancing in celebration of being a part of the world, with hands outreaching towards them with watercolour blooms in green and yellow.

[Image interpretation]: Diverse group of people gathered dancing and walking in a circle around a globe with individuals climbing on the various continents with hands reaching towards them from the frame of the image signifying the accessibility and disability inclusive community that collectivize to do powerful and important work in this field. Nusrat Mir (2024).

Introductions and Update Overview
Greetings from the Equity and Inclusion Office (EIO) and McMaster Accessibility Advisory Council (MAAC)

What is the Update?

To celebrate National Accessibility Week, the AccessMac Program in the Equity and Inclusion Office and the McMaster Accessibility Council are proud to present the Accessibility and Disability Inclusion Update (ADIU) 2022-2023!

In its 6th year, the ADIU continued to reach out to the McMaster community to celebrate the incredible accessibility and disability inclusion work that continues to enhance the lives of not only McMaster students, staff, and faculty, but our local and national communities. With 56 submissions from faculties, services, and individuals, this community publication continues to thrive because of your efforts and continued commitment to creating and holding space for all to access, learn and meaningfully contribute across campus and in the communities beyond the University.

As always, we are grateful to the amazing contributors, and those who continue to do the important work in advancing accessibility and disability inclusion in their respective fields and we sincerely look forward to celebrating and elevating the exciting updates on projects and news of initiatives to come in future editions!

Acknowledgements and Thank You

A warm thank you to the following persons for their current and historical contributions to the creation and support of the ADIU 2022-2023:

  • Nusrat Mir, Accessibility Project Coordinator, Equity and Inclusion Office
  • Devon Mordell, Accessibility Educational Developer, MacPherson Institute
  • Jennifer Faubert, Accessibility Educational Developer, MacPherson Institute
  • Paula Hearn, Accessibility Program Manager, Equity and Inclusion Office
  • Patricia Suleiman, Senior Director, Human Rights and Accessibility, Equity and Inclusion Office
  • Dr. Barrington Walker, Vice-Provost, Equity and Inclusion Office, and Professor of History
  • Kate Brown, Accessibility / AODA Consultant (Teaching and Learning in the Office of the Provost), and Co-founder of the Update
  • Dr. Alise de Bie, Research Associate and Accessibility Project Support Coordinator (Teaching and Learning in the Office of the Provost), and Co-founder of the Update
  • Anne Pottier, McMaster Accessibility Advisory Council Past Chair


AccessMac Program Team, Equity and Inclusion Office

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The Annual Accessibility and Disability Inclusion Update Copyright © 2022 by McMaster University. All Rights Reserved.