
2 In-House Reports (Part B)

Vanessa Dann; Alyssa Rainville; and Harman Ginda

Image by StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay

Chapter Objectives

  • Identify four types of in-house reports
    • Goal-setting Notes
    • Plan of Care
    • Daily Logs
    • Progress Notes
  • Explain what each report is used for
  • Identify the objectives of each report
  • Record information in chronological order



Goal-Setting is a type of technique that allows offenders or those in conflict with the law to make positive changes in their lives and achieve long-term goals in a managed way.This technique is also used by clients, people in the workplace, and even students, who like to visually map out what they are going to achieve. Goal setting allows the individual to build organizational skills while also improving themselves and bettering their futures by eventually obtaining the objectives they set in place.


Goal setting consists of marking down current and long-term objectives for the specific individual in the community, and this is used in community services with clients who struggle with achieving successful community development. It involves mapping out all of the goals they have for themselves and the outcome of their lives, then prioritizing them in order of need and/or achievability. This process involves critical thinking, planning, time management and it is beneficial to not only the community as a whole, but also the individual participating in the collective actions.


The ultimate purpose of this is to better the individual and give them a sense of fulfillment as they can visualize the progress they’ve made. A person achieving a few small goals of theirs can change their view of themselves, show them that they have the potential to do great things and potentially even that they can be a law-abiding, successful member  of society. This also helps the individual with figuring out where to start when it comes to mapping out the most essential needs. Some people can feel overwhelmed because of the amount of objectives they have yet to reach, which can make a person – especially an already lost soul – choose to give up rather than try to conquer all of them.


When it comes down to listing your goals, it’s important to understand how to set them in a realistic way in order to not be discouraged. It’s important to learn how to set SMART goals – what does this mean?

The acronym ‘’SMART’’ stands for Specific (meaning one specific thing or action), Measurable (determining steps to get there), Achievable (meaning reachable with the right actions), Realistic (meaning not impossible), and Time-bound (meaning a specific period of time, so it can’t get pushed on to later).


This gives an opportunity for growth and self-actualization. Once people begin achieving their small goals, it raises their confidence and allows them to gain the proper determination to pursue their bigger picture goals. Small accomplishments are a start for a person realizing they can achieve whatever they set their minds to, and this is especially crucial when the person has endured a life of feeling like a failure and like they were getting kicked down at every possible chance by life.


When writing down personal goals, it’s important to prioritize them in order of importance and achievability. Goals that take longer to achieve should be placed towards the bottom in order to avoid getting discouraged when those goals aren’t completely right away. Smaller goals should be placed at the top – this will raise a person’s confidence once they are achieved.


Goal-Setting in Criminal Justice Policy Planning: Purpose & Steps, https://study.com/academy/lesson/goal-setting-in-criminal-justice-policy-planning-purpose-steps.html

MindTools,SMARTgoals,  https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/smart-goals.htm



In this chapter, we will be looking at the Plan of Care for offenders and  its purpose. This has been used in corrections and in community justice for years as it is an organized way to reduce the chances of recidivism for an offender.


Plan of care is a plan for individuals to meet their needs once they reintegrate back into the community. This promotes safety and protection of the community.


The plan of care ensures the offender is on the right path, has their needs met and won’t be likely to re-offend. This includes an assessment, planning for release, health care, transfers and ensuring the offender has adequate support to lean on once they are released back into the community. This plan can be hand-written, pre-printed or electronically made. This process identifies their problems and targets them – it is ultimately a pre-release intervention. This document needs to be client-centered, meaning this considers every aspect and possibility of the offender. Every person has different needs and not everyone is the same or reacts to change the same way. It is important to take into consideration specific details about the client and to be attentive to the details.


This is used to deter clients from re-offending and show them that they can participate and be apart of society as law-abiding citizens. Offenders are more likely to fall off track if they don’t have a clear plan of care set for them – they might not be sure how to stay on track. This is ultimately positive reinforcement and it is a way for clients to change certain negative behaviours and responses.




Daily Logs


In this chapter we will be exploring how to write a daily log, when to use a daily log, and how use a daily log in the workplace. A daily log can help manage time spent in a day.


A daily log is a record of day to day activities and events that occur throughout the day.


Use a daily log when keeping track of what is happening throughout the workplace. Workers will have to write down into the log every time they do a check around the workplace. For Example: Correctional Officers have to do cell check every 15 minutes, then they write what they observe what was happening when they are doing cell checks.


Start by putting the date. then add the time you started to do your activity, then once the activity is finish write down the time you finish at. During the time that the activity occur observe what was happening to write down notes. Then finish by adding a signatures.


To use a daily log you need to start off by writing the date onto the log, then add the start time. Then go do the task you were assign to do, once the task is finish. Then add the finish time, and write down anything you observe during the task. Then add your signatures. People use daily log in the workplace to keep record on when the employees do assign task during their shift. They keep track on them when the employees writes on the log when they do the task.

Date Start Time Finish time Notes Signatures
Oct 15, 2018 1:30am 1:45am All the inmates were sleeping during the check. Alyssa Smith
Oct 15,2018 2:00am 2:15am During check all inmate were asleep in their cells. Alyssa Smith


(will insert later)

Progress Notes


Progress notes are very helpful in offender rehabilitation. Progress notes are easy to track and I will describe who and where a progress notes will used. I also described the purpose and elements its have contain while writing any progress note. I also write the structure and format of progress notes and explain some examples.


Progress notes are used by correctional officers or peace officers to record progress or development of an offender or client while s/he is under the supervision of a sector of correctional services. Progress notes are used to track a client’s development while participating in programs (i.e. anger management or education), medical treatment (i.e. addiction or mental health), or counselling (i.e. PTSD or depression counselling). Officers keep separate progress notes with a client’s case notes/file. The progress notes are kept separate so they are easier to track and find when needed.

Progress notes can be used to determine client readiness for programs, independent living, school, training programs, and/or employment and how client progress by taking specific program.

Purpose of writing progress notes is to get information about person progress while he/she attending or taking specific programs in correctional facility it would be Anger management or it would be education related to Indigenous study for offenders.

Progress notes are very helpful for offender rehabilitation with that he can set his goals and able to work on those goals with more positivity. It mostly used to determine offender progress while taking part in specific program like programs, medical treatment and counselling.

Progress notes contain subjective, objective, assessment and planning structure

Progress notes in the corrections field commonly include the following sections:

  • Name of the client is important
  • Date when he or she set their goals
  • Worker (Correctional Officer or probation Officer) name
  • Introduction (Give a brief background about the context of the meeting.)
  • Background (Provide background about why client is undertaking a particular program/treatment)
  • Interview (Record the interaction between officer and client during the interview)
  • Conclusion

Example 1

Progress Notes: Alcoholics Anonymous

Client: Carl Anderson

Date: October 11, 2014

WorkerAndrew Johnson 


Today, I met with Carl for our weekly progress report. We discussed his thoughts about his first Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meeting that he attended on October 9, 2014.


Carl was court-mandated to take Alcoholics Anonymous, after a Driving under the Influence (DUI) charge on October 1, 2014. He is required to participate in 20 AA meetings in 90 days.


I began the session by asking Carl if he found the first AA meeting helpful. He told me that he liked hearing the other participants’ stories but wasn’t ready to share his own story. Carl said he was surprised to see how many ‘normal’ people were in AA. He was paired with a Sponsor that he feels he will get along well with. They will meet tomorrow to get to know each other better. I asked Carl if he was ready to start the Twelve Steps, with the first step being “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol–that our lives had become unmanageable.” Carl seemed hesitant to accept that he has a problem with alcohol. For our next session, I asked him to reflect deeply on the impact alcohol has had on his life, including the car accident which landed him in this position.


Carl says he will continue to attend the AA meetings and will meet with his Sponsor to learn more about the Twelve Steps. He will write a reflection about how alcohol has impacted his life and share with me during our next meeting.

Example #2

Progress Notes: Anger Management Program

Client: Jordan Kidd

Date: March 16, 2018

Worker: Amanda Charles


Today I met with Jordan for our weekly meeting. He shared his progress from last three weeks of the Anger Management program (6 weeks) that he started attending on March 16, 2018.


Jordan is attending the Anger Management program because he doesn’t know how to deal with his anger. In a fit of rage, he attacked a Correctional Officer at the Thornloe Detention Centre. As a result of this incident, Jordan is required to attend a 6 week Anger Management program.


I conducted my interview with Jordan about his anger issues. Jordan told me that he learned a lot of skills during his three week sessions at Anger Management program. He was very open minded when he talked to me. He said at his first session, he learned the side effects of anger on individuals and how individuals can deal with their anger. In the second session, he learned how to apply those skills in real situations. He said he is doing a really good job to trying the suggested strategies to manage his anger. In the third session he learned relaxation techniques. In the upcoming sessions, he said that he will learn more strategies to deal with anger and work on applying those strategies in real life.


I see progress in Jordan. He appears more open to discussing his anger and I actively see him trying techniques to calm down during our meeting. I will follow-up with Jordan again about his progress in the Anger Management program in 3 weeks to debrief how the entire program went. Next week we will be discussing the possibility of Jordan participating in the prison work program.

Example #3

 Progress Notes: Drug Rehabilitation Centre

Client: Baljot Singh

Date: November 13, 2017

Worker: Jason Jordan


Today, I met with Baljot for our progress report. We discussed his beliefs on drug use after completing four sessions of a Drug Rehabilitation program that he started attending on November 3, 2017.


Baljot is in the Drug Rehabilitation program because he robbed a convenience store while under the influence to obtain money intended to be used to purchase more drugs. The court mandated that he participate in a drug rehabilitation program to deal with the addiction that lead him to commit crime.


I met with Baljot after his fourth session. He is having difficulty with withdrawal symptoms. He has spoken to the rehabilitation counselor but still feels he isn’t ready to quit drugs. I asked him if he has taken any drugs since he started the program and he said no. I asked him what strategies he is using to fight his urges and he spoke about trying meditation and distraction techniques. I told him if he needs additional support to go and talk to the counselor again.


I will follow-up with the counselor and ensure that Baljot has additional support because he is having a hard time. I will connect with Baljot again next week about his progress.












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