
1 In-House Reports (Part A)

katryna D-McLeod and Cassandra Charette

Image by Klaus Hausmann from Pixabay

Chapter Objectives

  • Define the different types of In-House Reports
  • Explain what they are and how they are used
  • Identify the objectives of the reports
  • Explain the differences between each report
  • Write objectively using the active voice to support your observations


This chapter includes six very important documents. Each are specialized for different situations or events. This chapter will explain: incident reports, intake interviews, behavioural contracts, assessment reports, serious occurrence reports, and case notes.

By the end of this chapter, you will understand when and how to use the above listed reports. Each section of this chapter will explain a different report, including what information should be included in the report, when the report is to be used and purpose of each report. The significance of each report is to document different events in the correctional field. Though not all of the reports are going to be used everyday, it is important to become familiar with each one of them and their component parts. Each report will have its own goal to help provide clear and precise information through out the line of work in the justice field.

Incident Reports


What is an Incident Report?

An incident report provides thorough account of an event where an employee (or client) was put in danger. An incident report could be written as a result of a violent action, verbal action or any form of abuse where someone has been hurt, or someone slipping in the hall. It’s an important report that could be used as evidence for someone being hurt and it could help avoid future injuries. It’s descriptive and details how an event may have happened and is documented in case of liability issues in the future.

When is a incident report used?

An incident report is used for documenting an event in a case where the person is hurt and could press charges. The incident report plays a big role in collecting evidence about what the officer, victim, and witnesses may have seen. The purpose of this report is to keep documentation on specific events.  An incident report should be written and filed right away – no matter how big or minor the injury was.

When would you need a Incident Report?

You would need to file a incident report in any case where an injury, violent act or harm has been caused whether it was intentional or not and in any work environment. This report could be filed on behalf of a client or an employee.

Elements for an Incident Report

Elements that are required:

  • Date
  • Time
  • Important details of the event
  • Explanation of what happened
  • Report of any injuries
  • Who was involved
  • Outcome
  • Closing signature and date

Examples of what incident report may look like:

Incident Report

Date of the incident: _____________________________________

Time of incident: ________________________________________

Reporter: _____________________________________________

Witness(es): ___________________________________________

Place the incident took place with address: ___________________________________________________________________

Room or area the event took place: ___________________________________________________________________

Who took part: _______________________________________________________

Intentional or accidental incident: ________________________________________

Description of the event : ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Details of injuries: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Was medical attention needed: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Name: ______________________________________

Signature: ___________________________________ Date: __________________

Incident Report Form

Date of incident: ________________________________________________

Time of incident: ________________________________________________

Address where the incident occurred: ______________________________________________________________

Name and position of employee reporting: ______________________________________________________________

Was any forced used to prevent the incident: ______________________________________________________________

Description of the incident: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Was there any injuries () yes () no, if so please explain:  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Who was involved: ___________________________________________________________________

Signature: _________________________________________

Date: _____________________________________________


Thompson Rivers University. (n.d.). Incident Reporting and Investigation. Retrieved March 24, 2019, from https://www.tru.ca/safety/incident_reporting.html

Intake Interviews


What is an intake interview?

An intake interview is an assessment done before admitting an client/inmate to a facility or institution The person conducting the interview is the first step of interaction between an inmate and their facility. The intake interviewer gathers all important information about their client’s behaviours, family, records and past history (abuse, addiction). It is important to get an understanding of the inmate’s background and to view their immediate needs and risks.

When is an intake interview used?

An intake interview would be used when first meeting a client, whether it be for programming, institution admittance, or rehabilitation, before the inmate/client is allowed to enter the facility.

When would you need an intake interview?

The intake interview is to be used when a clients enters a facility, rehabilitation program or counselling.

Elements of an Intake Interview

The Intake Interview needs:

  • Proper date & time
  • Description of their past situation
  • Current situation
  • Behaviours
  • Needs
  • Medical history
  • Any changes from their past
  • Closing signature and date

Some examples of Intake Interview Forms may look like:

Intake Interview Form #1

Name:_____________________________________________ Date: _________________
Transferred from:__________________________________________
Marital Status: () Single () Common Law () Married () Other __________ Children:______

Have you complete any type of programming: () yes () no
If you selected yes please explain: _________________________________________________________________________
Have you completed higher than grade 10 education ()yes ()no
If you selected yes please explain: _________________________________________________________________________
Have you received a diploma, degree or any college or university certificate ()yes ()no
If you selected yes please explain: _________________________________________________________________________
At the time of arrest were you employed () yes () no
If yes please explain: _______________________________________________________
Do you consider yourself to behave aggressively in certain situations: () yes () no
If you selected yes please explain: _________________________________________________________________________
Do you suffer from any known mental or physical illness/disability: ()yes ()no
If you selected yes, which ones? _________________________________________________________________________
Do you struggle with addiction (drinking, drugs) () yes () no
If you selected yes, please explain:
Signature: _______________________________________________________________


Intake Interview Form #2





Gender: ()male ()Female ()Other__________________________________

Address (if applicable):________________________________________

Work status:________________________________________________

Education status:_____________________________________________

Marital status:_____________ Children: __________

Allergies: __________________________________________________


Programming you take interest in:

() Healthy relationships

() Good parenting

() Working dads

() Substance abuse

() Anger management

() Life skills/ Time management

() other ____________________________________________________________

Future Goals: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


() Depressed

() Suicidal

() Discouraged

() Sad

() Happy

() Motivated

() Other _________________________________________________________________

Worker signature: ____________________________________________

Client Signature: _____________________________________________


Intake Interview Form #3

Today’s Date________________________

Name_________________________________________ Gender: ()Male ()Female

Date of Birth: ___________________________________

Education Level: _________________________________

Religion: _______________________________________

Family status: ()married () common law ()single ()relationship

Children: _____________________________

Transferred from (if applicable):_________________________________

Gang affiliated: ______________________________________________

Programming completed: ______________________________________________________________________

Current programs: ______________________________________________________________________

List problems you’ve been facing (emotional and/or physical): _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Signature of client: ____________________________________

Signature of worker: ___________________________________

References: Intake Interview. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/nursing-and-health-professions/intake-interview

Behavioral Contracts


The behavioral contract is a positive reinforcement of a person’s behavior. This is a written contract between both the client and the worker. The behavioral contract explains the expectations of the clients and offenders. It is an intervention plan that focuses on goals, how they will achieve them, as well as consequences, and rewards if they do meet their goals. The behavioral contract is used as an intervention to reduce the amount of behavioral outbreaks. They are used to set up goals and have clients follow them to stay out of trouble and get rewarded when they do not break the contract. Someone would need to use a behavioral contract when clients are having outbreaks and they are not acting accordingly. They may also use a behavioral contract for people with anger management to try and reduce outbreaks and other possible occurring issues.  The structure and format of this document is a written contract which includes the client’s name, the workers name, the client’s goals, how to achieve them, consequences of not reaching the goals, and rewards if the goals are met. It will state when the contract was reviewed and signed. It will involve both the participant’s and worker’s signatures at the end.

Source: Behavior Contracts. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.interventioncentral.org/behavioral-interventions/challenging-students/behavior-contracts

Behavioral Contract


I, ______________________, hereby declare on this date,_______________________, that I agree to the following:


3 goals to change my behavior:

  1. ________________________________________________________________
  2. ________________________________________________________________
  3. ________________________________________________________________

How will I achieve my goals:





2 consequences if I do not meet my goals:

  1. ________________________________________________________________
  2. ________________________________________________________________

2 rewards when I meet my goals:

  1. ________________________________________________________________
  2. ________________________________________________________________


___________________________                       _____________________________

Clients signature                                                                  Date

___________________________                       _____________________________

Workers Signature                                                             Date


Ending Date of Contract

Behavioral Contract

Client’s Name:


All parties, whose signatures are presented on the document below are in agreement with the following behavioral rules, consequences and rewards listed below:

Rule One: ______________________________________________________________________





Rule Two: ______________________________________________________________________





Rule Three: ______________________________________________________________________





________________________   ________________________ ________________________

Clients Name                        Clients Signature          Date

________________________   ________________________ ________________________

Workers Name                    Workers Signature                 Date

Behavioral Contract


Date of Contract: From ___________________ to ________________________________

The inappropriate behavior I will work on is: ____________________________________________________________________________



I will change this by:




The reward I want to receive for controlling my behavior is:




Then penalty/consequence for using this behavior is: ____________________________________________________________________________



________________________   ________________________ ________________________

Clients Name                        Clients Signature          Date

________________________   ________________________ ________________________

Workers Name                    Workers Signature                 Date

Assessment Report

An assessment report is a written record of discussions and recommendations. It looks at the risks and needs of the individual and provides information about their past and what will best address their needs. Someone would do an assessment report after intake to assess the risks, needs and responsivity of the client. Parole and probation officers use assessment reports with their clients.  The elements involved in an assessment report would include the client’s name, the date, who it was prepared by, background information on the client, case history, as well as the client’s current mental health status. It would end off with both the worker and client’s signature and the date signed.

Assessment Report

Client’s Name:


Prepared By:

Background Information:


Case History:


Current Mental Status:


Risk Of Offender:

( ) Low-Risk  ( )Medium-Risk ( ) High-Risk

Specify why: _____________________________________________________________________________________


________________________   ________________________ ________________________

Clients Name                                Clients Signature                                    Date

________________________   ________________________ ________________________

Workers Name                          Workers Signature                                 Date


Serious Occurrence Report

A serious occurrence report is written when a major incident happens, such as: death within the facility, victimization, medication errors, or if a person is missing. A serious occurrence report is written to keep a legal record of traumatic events. It used to record the following aspects:
– record victimization
– ensure all police services contact is recorded
– create a specific section in which all medication errors are to be recorded
– all serious injuries are to be recorded
– record any other injury sustained during a serious occurrence
– viewpoint of the child is sought. service providers to articulate the “imminent risk” that justifies the use of a physical restraint
– “missing children” that prompts staff to inquire about and record: why the child left, what happened while they were away, if medical care required, and what could be done to prevent them from leaving again
– communication and intellectual disabilities as an indicator of that child’s potential vulnerability

When would someone use it?

Someone would use this report to make legal note of serious occurrences.

 Serious Occurrence Report Example 1:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Name:_____________________________________ Date:________________
Time:___________ Identification Number:________________________________
Were emergency services contacted? YES/NO By who?_________________________
Were prescribed medications taken appropriately? YES/NO
If no why? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Where any injuries sustained? YES/NO What were they? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Who was involved? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Use of force and restrictions: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Disabilities if any: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
If death occurred, were the coroner’s contacted? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Serious Occurrence Report Example 2:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Name:_________________________________ Date and time:________________
Service:_____________________________ Reported by:_______________________
Name of client:____________________________ Age:________ Date of birth:_______
Summary of incident: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Actions Taken: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Who has been notified: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Further actions prepared: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Serious Occurrence Report Example 3:

Name:________________________________ Identification Number:_____________________
Date:________________ Time:______________ General Location:_______________________
Location Details: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Regional Official Notified:                                                                    __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Details and Circumstances: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Police information: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Inmates Involved: ____________________________________________________________________________
Criminal charges pending : YES/NO


Case Notes

Case notes are a worker’s notes that are recorded during a meeting or during interactions with inmates. Case notes are used to keep a record of events that have happened or what the client has said. Case notes also keep track of the writer’s activities if they are working in an institution and provide a record of all that has happened, such as phone calls, face to face encounters, court proceedings, legal cases and historical records. Case notes are impartial and accurate. They include only relevant facts and professional language.


Case Notes Example 1:

Name:__________________________ Date:________________
Identification number:_____________________________



Case Notes Example 2:


Identification number:_________________________________________

Needs addressed: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Summary: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Next step: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Progress: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



                                                                                                          Case Notes Example 3:
Name:________________________ Date:________________________
Identification Number:__________________________________________
Time:___________ Note:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Time:___________ Note:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Time:___________ Note:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




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Writing in Community and Justice Services Copyright © 2019 by Mel Young is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.