Physical abuse is any harm to a child caused by an action or omission of action by the child’s caregiver, which could result in a non-accidental injury and may include (but is not limited to) hitting, grabbing, shaking, pushing, biting, burning, such as iron or hot liquid (forced ingestion), pulling, punching, throwing a child and/or kicking among other physical actions or inaction resulting in injury to the child. Using an implement in the course of correcting a child’s behaviour that could raise the prospect of harming a child, such as a belt, wooden spoon, looped cord, or stick, is also considered abuse (Crosson-Tower, 2020; Jonson-Reid & Drake, 2018; Rimer & Prager, 2016; Tufford, 2020).
Possible signs of physical abuse may include:
- Injuries in suspicious locations
- Definable bruise pattern (e.g., hand print, the shape of a serving spoon)
- Bruising in non-mobile children (e.g., around the chest from holding and shaking baby)
- Untreated injuries
- Bald patches, matted hair
- Evidence that something was used to restrain the child
- Child cannot recall or explain the injury
- Child wears long sleeves/long pants even in warm weather
- Excessive crying
- Child seems anxious when other children cry
- Avoidance of physical contact with others
- Recurrent nightmares or disturbed sleep patterns
- Behaviour extremes—aggressiveness or withdrawal
- Poor self-concept
- Whispered speech
- Loss of appetite for no apparent reason or excessive appetite
- Child is wary of adults
- Re-enactment of abuse using dolls, drawings, or friends
- Clinging
- Delinquent behaviour
- Abrupt decline in school performance
- Prolonged absence from school or child care (may be due to healing injury before able to attend again without noticing)
- Mismatch between an injury and the explanation
- Appears lethargic and not as responsive as before
(Child Abuse and Neglect, n.d.; Crosson-Tower, 2014; Durrant et al., 2006; Fallon et al., 2020; Jonson-Reid & Drake, 2018; Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies, 2022; Public Health Agency of Canada, 2012; Rimer & Prager, 2016; Sedlak et al., 2010; Toronto Children’s Aid Society, n.d.; Tufford, 2020).