
Available Open Access Books in Psychology

As you look for interactive online content, you may also be looking for open access textbooks in psychology. Below is a list of resources we are aware of.  These resources have not been vetted as a part of the Psychology Commons process, but we share them here as a resource. If you have an open access psychology textbook that you would like included in this list, please email



Careers and Psychology:

An open-access book with chapters written by experts across Canada making connections between training in psychological science and the many career paths this training can lead to. Licensed as CC-BY-NC.

Community Psychology:

An open book, including teaching resources, introducing the field of Community Psychology. Licensed as CC-BY.

Consumer Behaviour:

An open-access book geared for undergraduate students studying consumer behaviour. Teaching and ancillary resources are available. Licensed as CC-BY-NC-SA.

Developmental Psychology:

“Based on the original version from LibreTexts, this textbook reviews the major theoretical approaches that shape our understanding of development from conception to death. In each chapter, up-to-date research findings describe and explain biological, psychological, and social development across the life course. Supplementary materials have been added to this edition including Canadian resources and comprehension exercises.”

Introductory Texts:

  • The NOBA Project: Created from support of The Diener Education Fund (DEF). The Diener Education Fund is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded with the mission of re-imagining higher education to better serve the changing needs of students and professors.

“Noba is a free online platform that provides high-quality, flexibly structured textbooks and educational materials. These textbooks and materials are licensed under the Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International License. Users may reuse, redistribute, and remix the content to suit their needs.”

An introductory book intended for a diverse audience, including non-majors. Licensed as CC-BY.

  • Psychology-H5P Edition: By: Rose M. Spielman; Kathryn Dumper; William Jenkins; Arlene Lacombe; Marilyn Lovett; and Marion Perlmutter

An interactive-augmented version of Psychology from Openstax through the inclusion of H5P interactives. Intended for single-semester Introductory courses. Licensed as CC-BY.

  • Psychology 2e OpenStax: Senior Contributing Authors: Rose M. Spielman, William J. Jenkins, and Marilyn D. Lovett

Psychology 2e is designed to meet scope and sequence requirements for the single-semester introduction to psychology course. The book offers a comprehensive treatment of core concepts, grounded in both classic studies and current and emerging research. The text also includes coverage of the DSM-5 in examinations of psychological disorders. Psychology incorporates discussions that reflect the diversity within the discipline, as well as the diversity of cultures and communities across the globe.” Licensed as CC-BY 4.0

“This book is designed to help students organize their thinking about psychology at a conceptual level. The focus on behaviour and empiricism has produced a text that is better organized, has fewer chapters, and is somewhat shorter than many of the leading books. The beginning of each section includes learning objectives; throughout the body of each section are key terms in bold followed by their definitions in italics; key takeaways, and exercises and critical thinking activities end each section.” Licensed as CC-BY-NC-SA.

Developed by a team at Dalhousie University, the foundation of this book is built upon Psychology 2e from OpenStax. For a full overview of all content creators and resources, see Psychology 2e Preface. In addition to the core content from Psychology 2e from OpenStax, this book is a combination of original material and resources, as well as selected works from Introduction to Psychology by Cummings & Sanders (University of Saskatchewan), Discovery Psychology 2.0 from Noba Project, and various upper-level Psychology courses from Lumen Learning. We’ve added an ‘Attributions & Acknowledgements’ section at the end of each chapter, to highlight the contributors of the new original material.


Aimed at undergraduate students, this book on Neuroscience was created to support students studying Neurobiology at Michigan State University.


An introductory online book on the topic of Psycholinguistics. Licensed as CC-BY-NC-SA

Research Methods:

A comprehensive introductory book on research methods in psychological science. Includes coverage of current issues including the replication crisis, and Canadian examples. Licensed as CC-BY-NC-SA.

This book provides an introduction to the workflow of the experimental researcher in the psychological sciences. The organization is sequential, from the planning stages of the research process through design, data collection, analysis, and reporting.

Experience sampling methods (ESM) are the gold standard in studying people’s thoughts, feelings, and behavior in the context of daily life. In this open handbook, experts from the center for Research on Experience sampling and Ambulatory methods Leuven (REAL) join forces to provide up-to-date and empirically-based advice for designing, conducting, and analyzing data from ESM studies. The book is designed as a step-by-step guide that walks the reader through the different steps of an ESM study: starting from the type of research questions that can be formulated and how this translates into the design of the study; ethical issues; considerations that come into play when actually conducting the study, such as calculating sample size; choice of software; and the importance of briefing/debriefing. This guide also provides a thorough introduction to preprocessing and analyzing the resulting intensive longitudinal data, ending with some future developments in the areas of mobile intervention and passive sensing. As such, this handbook represents an open, complete, and up-to-date introduction to ESM research for novice and expert researchers alike.

Social Psychology:

Adapted from Charles Strangor’s original Principles of Social Psychology book to include updated research, examples, learning objectives, and key terms. Licensed as CC-BY-NC-SA.


This open educational resource contains information to improve statistical inferences, design better experiments, and report scientific research more transparently.



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