
Welcome to the Psychology Commons!

The Psychology Commons is a living online repository containing interactive online resources in Psychology, generously started with funding by the Government of Ontario and through eCampusOntario’s support of the Virtual Learning Strategy. To learn more about the Virtual Learning Strategy visit: https://vls.ecampusontario.ca

The goal of this repository is to facilitate the development and sharing of diverse, accessible, and interactive online teaching and learning resources in Psychology. For a demo of how to embed resources into common Learning Management Systems, please refer to the section “How To Use This Content.”

Psychology is both a broad and deep discipline. Importantly, a goal of this library is to ensure representation of diverse content across all areas and levels of study in Psychology, including content that may not be typically available in mainstream resources. As this resource grows, to help streamline search and identification of content, we use a hashtag referencing system. Using the “Contents” section, you can identify keywords of interest. If you paste keywords into the “Search” function at the top right of the screen, all tagged resources will appear in your search results.

The Psychology Commons is a “living” resource–proposed submissions are reviewed by the Project Development Team, and are accepted on a rolling basis. If you would like to submit a scholarly interactive, stand-alone resource for consideration for inclusion, please submit your proposal through our Submission Portal. If you have an idea, but are not sure how to develop it, we encourage you to submit your idea. We may be able to assist with the development of your interactive.

Thank you for joining us, and we look forward to sharing open-access resources with you through the Psychology Commons!


Project Development Team:
Meghan Norris, PhD, Queen’s University—project contact, meghan.norris@queensu.ca
Jorden Cummings, PhD, The University of Saskatchewan
Kyle Danielson, PhD, The University of Toronto Scarborough
David Danto, PhD, The University of Guelph-Humber
Eleanor Gittens, PhD, Georgian College
Steve Joordens, PhD, The University of Toronto Scarborough
Adelheid Nicol, PhD, The Royal Military College of Canada
Adam Sandford, PhD, The University of Guelph-Humber
Steven Smith, PhD, Saint Mary’s University
Jennifer Stamp, PhD, Dalhousie University
Leanne Stevens, PhD, Dalhousie University
Stephen Want, PhD, Toronto Metropolitan University
Technology Development Team:
Reem Atallah, Queen’s University
Sydney Grant, Queen’s University
Emma Malcolmson, Queen’s University
Floor Nusselder, Queen’s University
Research Support Team:
Erica Johnston, Queen’s University


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The Psychology Commons Copyright © by Authorship varies by submission, with information included in the text for each submission is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.