
Pain in Children with Intellectual Disabilities who are Nonverbal, Genik, L. M., McMurtry, C. M., Breau, L., 2.2.2023

Title: Pain in Children with Intellectual Disabilities who are Nonverbal

Summary: This resource covers the topics of intellectual disabilities and pain in the context of children who communicate nonverbally, and it highlights ways in which caregivers can communicate with these children to ensure the effective management of their pain. Specifically, it (a) defines key terms, (b) highlights different ways that children with intellectual disabilities who are nonverbal may communicate their pain to others and (c) provides some ideas about improving the accuracy with which pain is assessed and managed for this population of children. At the end of this resource, you can test your knowledge in a brief quiz.

The resource is recreated with permission from the Canadian Psychological Association: Genik, L. M., McMurtry, C. M., & Breau, L. (2021).  “Psychology Works” Fact Sheet: Pain in Children with Intellectual Disabilities who are Nonverbal. Canadian Psychological Association. Accessed via: https://cpa.ca/psychology-works-fact-sheet-pain-in-children-with-intellectual-disabilities-who-are-nonverbal/

Keywords: #ClinicalPsychology #DevelopmentalPsychology #Pain #IntellectualDisability #Language

Date of Publication: February 2, 2023

How to Cite:

Genik, L. M., McMurtry, C. M., & Breau, L. (2023). Pain in Children with Intellectual Disabilities who are Nonverbal. In The Psychology Commons. Kingston, ON: eCampus Ontario. Licensed under CC BY NC 4.0. Retrieved from https://ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub/psychologycommons/chapter/pain-in-children-with-intellectual-disabilities-who-are-nonverbal-genik-l-m-mcmurtry-c-m-breau-l-2-2-2023/ . The resource is recreated with permission from the Canadian Psychological Association: Genik, L. M., McMurtry, C. M., & Breau (2021).  “Psychology Works” Fact Sheet: Pain in Children with Intellectual Disabilities who are Nonverbal. Canadian Psychological Association. Accessed via: https://cpa.ca/psychology-works-fact-sheet-pain-in-children-with-intellectual-disabilities-who-are-nonverbal/

Funding Statement:  

This interactive is made possible with funding by the Government of Ontario and through eCampusOntario’s support of the Virtual Learning Strategy. To learn more about the Virtual Learning Strategy visit: https://vls.ecampusontario.ca.

This interactive is also made possible with funding from the Queen’s University Library.



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