
Mental Health Care for Canadian Children and Youth: The Role of School Psychologists, Côté, A.-M., Dean, M., Ford, L., Hai, T., Kokai, M., Lean, D., MacPhee, A. R., Newton Montgomery, J., Rahimi, D., Richards, S., Shaw, S., Spice, K., Wagner, R., Walker, P., & Wilson, S., 11.14.2024

Title: Mental Health Care for Canadian Children and Youth: The Role of School Psychologists

Summary: This interactive describes the importance of school psychologists for the mental health and well-being of children and youth in Canada.

Keywords: #Careers #GraduateSchool #Intervention #MentalHealth #ProfessionalDevelopment #PublicPolicy

Date of Publication: November 14, 2024

How to Cite:

Côté, A.-M., Dean, M., Ford, L., Hai, T., Kokai, M., Lean, D., MacPhee, A. R., Newton Montgomery, J., Rahimi, D., Richards, S., Shaw, S., Spice, K., Wagner, R., Walker, P., & Wilson, S. (2024). Mental Health Care for Canadian Children and Youth: The Role of School Psychologists. In The Psychology Commons. Kingston, ON: eCampus Ontario. Licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0. Retrieved from https://ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub/psychologycommons/chapter/mental-health-care-for-canadian-children-and-youth-the-role-of-school-psychologists-cote-a-m-et-al-11-14-2024/. This resource is recreated with permission from the Canadian Psychological Association: Côté, A.-M., Dean, M., Ford, L., Hai, T., Kokai, M., Lean, D., MacPhee, A. R., Newton Montgomery, J., Rahimi, D., Richards, S., Shaw, S., Spice, K., Wagner, R., Walker, P., & Wilson, S. (2022). Mental Health Care for Canadian Children and Youth: The Role of School Psychologists. Canadian Psychological Association. Accessed via:  https://cpa.ca/docs/File/Position/Mental%20Health%20Care%20for%20Canadian%20Children%20and%20Youth%20-%20FINAL%20EN.pdf

Funding Statement: 

This interactive is made possible with funding by the Government of Ontario and through eCampusOntario’s support of the Virtual Learning Strategy. To learn more about the Virtual Learning Strategy visit: https://vls.ecampusontario.ca.

This interactive is also made possible with funding from the Queen’s University Library.



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