Ministry of Education Resources & Websites for Teachers
Read the information on the Reading Strand (pp. 10-11 in hard copy) of the Ontario Curriculum Language.
Exploring Resources
Peruse each resource listed below, remembering to click on the “information” icon for specific directions. In each case, look for specific resources that will help teachers to implement the Reading Strand of the Ontario Curriculum – Language.
- Guide to Effective Instruction – Reading
Browse through this support document, looking for specific pages that address some of the principles outlined in the Reading section of the Introduction to the Ontario Curriculum – Language. Consider how you might use these resources and ideas in your first teaching block. - Edugains
Click on READING and peruse the resources that are most pertinent to Reading Instruction in the Junior/Intermediate Division. Look for specific resources or coverage of topics that would help teachers implement the Reading Expectations in the Ontario Curriculum Language. - TVO Learn
This site from TVOntario provides a selection of online learning resources for students in elementary grades. -
This is the website of the International Literacy Association (formerly the International Reading Association). Explore the site for lesson plans, ideas, and resources that are in line with the approaches to Reading Instruction advocated in the Introduction to the Ontario Curriculum Language.
Resource Critique
Choose one resource or idea that you explored above (not the entire website or platform, but a specific resource or idea within it). Consider how it could address a key principle in teaching reading or a specific curriculum expectation for Reading. Create a Forum post that answers the “3 Ws”.
- What is the resource? Provide a link and basic information about your selection.
- Why? What principles of teaching reading or specific expectation(s) could be addressed though this resource? What features make this resource useful for teachers of literacy.
- What now? How could you anticipate using this idea in your upcoming literacy placement?
We’ve provided a form below for you to capture your responses to the above prompts. You can export your work when you are done.
Ministry & Websites for Teachers