
Educational Blogs


Read the information on the Media Literacy Strand (pp. 13-14 in the hard copy) of the Ontario Curriculum Language.

What are the essential principles provided in this passage regarding the teaching of media studies?

View the YouTube video “What is a Blog?

Explore some of the blog posts created by Canadian teachers.

Resource Critique

Search these popular educational blog sites (or the ones above) for a specific resource, strategy, or lesson on teaching Media Studies to students in the elementary grades (preferably grades 4-8).

Note: You are not reviewing the blog site; you are using it to find a resource for teaching the Media strand. Begin by finding the search icon on the Home page of the blog (a magnifying glass). Common Media search terms include the following: Media Literacy/Studies/Resources; Digital/Information Literacy; Social Media; Fake News.

Post to the discussion forum with a brief description of this resource answering these questions: 3 Ws.

  • What? Description of the resource – what it is; how to locate
  • So what?  Why did you choose this resource? What educational benefit does it have? How does it relate to the principles for Media Studies outlined in the Ontario Curriculum?
  • W​hat now? How might you use this resource in a teaching practicum?  Cautions or suggestions?

We’ve provided a form below for you to capture your responses to the above prompts. You can export your work when you are done.

Educational Blogs


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The Connected Educator Copyright © by Ruth McQuirter is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.