3.7 Novel and Adaptive Thinking

Find innovative, creative, and unconventional relationships between things or concepts
Being a Novel and Adaptive Thinker means being creative in analysis and solutions. Novel and adaptive thinkers address complex and sometimes controversial issues with a humble and open-minded attitude. They think ‘outside the box’ in response to unique or unexpected situations, attempting to find unique but effective answers. They thrive when challenged and are willing to adapt or change a solution when circumstances change, or other options present themselves.
Excelling in Novel and Adaptive Thinking as a Job Skill means:
You are good at:
- Synthesizing data and information
- Analyzing
- Evaluating
- Making sound, ethical decisions
- Thinking innovatively and creatively
- Not getting too attached to outcomes
Others see you that have the ability to:
- Apply a logical, systematic approach to solving problems
- Create solutions that balance facts and feelings
- Inspire increased trust from others
“4.7 Novel and Adaptive Thinking” from Working in Play: Planning for a Career in the Recreation and Leisure Industry in Canada by Linda Whitehead is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.