
Land Acknowledgement

Fanshawe College is located on the traditional territories of the Anishinaabek, Lotinuhsyuní, Lūnaapéewak, and Chonnonton Nations. In Fanshawe’s work of facilitating student mobility and the recognition of prior learning, the College acknowledges that prior learning assessment and recognition is an Indigenous concept that has served, and continues to serve, as a tool that values Indigenous ways of being, doing, and knowing while acknowledging holistic lifelong learning. Fanshawe is committed to strengthening how the recognition of prior learning can support Indigenous students who face additional barriers to post-secondary education as a result of the ongoing harms of colonization. Thanks to colleagues in the Institute of Indigenous Learning who support Fanshawe’s commitment to Truth and Reconciliation, including through their support for this project, which has strengthened Fanshawe’s recognition of prior learning processes and resources to better serve Indigenous student success.