
Chapter 1: Understanding PLAR

1.6 What resources can I access to help me in the PLAR process?

Student being advised at Fanshawe.
Photo © Fanshawe College, used with permission, all rights reserved.

PLAR Advising

The Admissions and Pathways Advisors in the Advising Centre are the central contact for PLAR. The Advisors can answer general PLAR questions and will guide you through the application process. Appointments can be made online at www.fanshawec.ca/booknow by phone at 519-452-4277 or email at advising@fanshawec.ca.

PLAR Learner Self-Assessment Template

The Self-Assessment Template is a resource to help you determine whether you are a suitable candidate for PLAR for any given course. This template allows you to assess your knowledge and skills against the learning outcomes of a specific Fanshawe course to determine alignment.

PLAR Learner Guides

A PLAR Learner Guide is a resource to help you decide whether you should move forward with a PLAR application. Learner Guides are developed for specific courses and contain general PLAR information, as well as detailed course information relevant for applicants wishing to PLAR the specific course. Not all courses eligible for PLAR will have a PLAR Learner Guide.

Book an appointment with an Admissions and Pathways Advisor or contact your Program Coordinator to inquire about PLAR and see if a PLAR Learner Guide is available for the course you wish to PLAR.

Portfolio Guidelines

If the assessment method for your course(s) is a portfolio, you can use the Advising Centre’s portfolio guidelines to help you collect your materials and develop your portfolio. Please see the  Portfolio Guidelines for more information.


Video: Prior Learning Assessment Recognition – How to use the Self Assessment Tool by Fanshawe OER Design Studio [4:05] transcript available