
Chapter 3: The PLAR process at Fanshawe

3.2 Steps to apply for PLAR at Fanshawe

Information provided in text below
“Steps To Apply” by Robert Armstrong CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Click to enlarge

The specific steps to get your learning assessed through PLAR may vary slightly depending on the program of study and courses involved. The steps below are a general guideline.

  1. Review the Course Outline for the course(s) you would like to PLAR.
  2. Contact an Admissions and Pathways Advisor in the Advising Centre by phone at 519-452-4277 or email at advising@fanshawec.ca or book appointment at www.fanshawec.ca/booknow
  3. Meet with the Program Coordinator or a faculty member in the program in which you intend to use the PLAR process.
  4. Self-assess your prior learning against the learning outcomes of the course(s) you would like to PLAR, using the self-assessment section of the relevant PLAR Learner Guide (if available), and/or the Learner Self-Assessment Template.
  5. File your PLAR application with the Advising Centre and pay the PLAR application fee The PLAR fee is non-refundable, and it applies to both the challenge evaluation and the portfolio assessment.
  6. Submit/complete the required PLAR assessment by the specified deadline.
NOTE: While the College fully supports and endorses the opportunity for applicants and students to acquire credits through assessment of prior learning, the onus rests with the learner to clearly demonstrate that the prior learning under review is sufficient to be credited.

Video: Prior Learning Assessment Recognition – How to use the Self Assessment Tool by Fanshawe OER Design Studio [4:05] transcript available