
Chapter 3: The PLAR process at Fanshawe

3.0 How do I know if I am eligible to apply for PLAR?

student working at a laptop computer
Photo © Fanshawe College, used with permission, all rights reserved.

You may be eligible to apply for PLAR, if:

  • The course(s) you would like to PLAR is/are eligible for PLAR
  • You are a current or prospective Fanshawe College student
  • Your previous life and work experience align with the learning outcomes of a specific Fanshawe College course or set of courses:
    • Review the course learning outcomes, found in the course outline for any courses that you are considering challenging by PLAR. Course Outlines can be requested via the Course Outlines page on the Fanshawe website.
    • Assess your knowledge and skills against the learning outcomes of any Fanshawe College course using the PLAR Self-Assessment Template to determine whether you are a suitable candidate for PLAR for any given course.
  • You meet the College residency requirement.

Keep in mind that even though you may be eligible to challenge a course by PLAR, PLAR has implications that you should consider.

Video: Prior Learning Assessment Recognition – How to use the Self Assessment Tool by Fanshawe OER Design Studio [4:05] transcript available