
Chapter 6: PLAR FAQ’s

6.0 PLAR FAQ’s

Student receiving guidance from a Fanshawe employee
Photo © Fanshawe College, used with permission, all rights reserved.


Click on each of the following questions to learn more about PLAR at Fanshawe.

1. What is the institutional policy guiding PLAR at Fanshawe?
2. Are all courses at Fanshawe eligible for PLAR?
3. What is a Course Outline?
4. What is residency requirement?
5. What are PLAR Learner Guides and how do I find them?
6. Can I use my prior learning to PLAR the admission requirements of a Fanshawe program?
7. How does PLAR impact my OSAP eligibility?
8. I failed my PLAR attempt, what are my options?
9. My program is in a regulated profession, can I still apply for PLAR?
10. Can I PLAR a portion of a course if I meet some of the learning outcomes, but not all?