
Chapter 4: PLAR for Indigenous, Military, and International Students

4.1 Assessment of Military Experience through PLAR

Photo of a military student in uniform
Photo © Fanshawe College, used with permission, all rights reserved.

College Credit for Military Service

As a current or former member of the Canadian Armed Forces, your military service may be recognized as a source of prior learning for the purpose of obtaining academic credit for specific courses within a Fanshawe program. The learning gained from your military experience might align with your military trade (e.g., cook or aviation technician) or it might be a result of your progression through the military ranks (e.g., leadership skills) and not tied to a particular trade. Regardless of the type of experience, your learning must align with the learning outcomes of one or more specific Fanshawe courses within the program you would like to be admitted to. You also need to meet the admission requirements of a college program in order to gain admission into that program.

Admission into College Graduate Certificate Programs – Maple Scholar

If you are a current or former member of the Canadian Armed Forces who has successfully completed Developmental Period 2 (DP2) and either have attained or are eligible for promotion to the next rank or above, you may be eligible for admission into several Fanshawe graduate programs: your military experience will be considered as having met the requirement of a prior diploma or work experience necessary for admission into selected Fanshawe’s graduate certificate programs. You do not need to apply for PLAR to participate in Maple Scholar. As part of Maple Scholar, you do not receive college credits for your DP2 experience.

Further Information

For inquiries about the PLAR process, or the Maple Scholar initiative

Admissions and Pathways Advisors
Advising Centre
Appointments can be booked by phone at 519-452-4277 or email at advising@fanshawec.ca or online at www.fanshawec.ca/booknow
Military-Connected Campus | Fanshawe College

Video: Prior Learning Assessment Recognition – How to use the Self Assessment Tool by Fanshawe OER Design Studio [4:05] transcript available