
Chapter 1: Understanding PLAR

1.5 How is my Learning Assessed for PLAR credit?

Person sitting at a desk using a pencil
Photo by Ben MullinsUnspash License.

A faculty member with subject matter expertise will evaluate your knowledge and skills against the learning outcomes of a college course or program through one or more of the following assessment methods.

Challenge Evaluation

An evaluation that measures your knowledge and skills against course or program learning outcomes through one or more of the following methods: written exam, oral presentation, interview, skills demonstration, etc.


A collection of materials you organize and develop to demonstrate how you applied the knowledge and skills described in the course or program learning outcomes. You will be advised to include such evidence in your portfolio as your resume, employment letters, samples of work, and other documentation that verifies what you learned through experience. A portfolio should be designed with a clear framework, be supported by reference to documentation sources, attest to your skills and competence, and describe the context in which you have been learning and/or working. Please see the following  Portfolio Guidelines for more information