
COVID-19 Update

We recognize that the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted virtually every dimension of life and work, including your college education. Just as industries have had to pivot to a changed reality, at Centennial we have embraced these challenges as opportunities, to reimagine and transform learning, teaching, and student life.

During the global COVID-19 pandemic, most of our programs have been taught online, with some limited in-person lab and studio time for “hybrid” programs that have practical skills components. Program delivery is subject to change, based on the status of the pandemic and corresponding guidelines provided by public health. Stay tuned to the COVID-19 Student Information Centre for updates.

Because on-campus operations are subject to change, please take note of the website links included in this Handbook that will take you to the most up-to-date information on on-campus services in real time.

Our teams are here for you as partners in your success, with an array of online services and opportunities to connect with us as outlined in this handbook. Please visit https://www.centennialcollege.ca/covid-19-student-information-centre/student-services-and-support/ for a comprehensive list of resources and continue to check your my.centennialcollege.ca email account for updates.

Please also stay healthy and keep others healthy by physical distancing according to public health guidelines, wearing a mask, and washing your hands thoroughly and frequently.

Centennial College will require proof of full vaccination to access campuses and satellite locations.

Anyone who is scheduled to come to a Centennial College campus or satellite location for scheduled classes* or work is required to complete the following two-step risk-mitigation process:

Pass the COVID-19 pre-screening assessment on the Centennial Safety Watch App AND Proof of full vaccination

Please have these pieces ready on your first day of class (whichever comes first). We will send more information next week about the specific process for entry, which is currently being detailed.

Mask wearing and frequent hand washing and sanitization remain expected behaviours and are currently still required from a Toronto Public Health directive. While we maintain enhanced air ventilation, some community members will have various personal space needs. Please respect others, allowing as much distance as possible until you establish a mutual understanding of comfort.

COVID-19 rapid antigen testing should be a rare exception and only for individuals who cannot be vaccinated due to medical reasons or based on religion/creed. There should be no other exemptions.

If you have any questions about COVID-19 vaccinations, we encourage you to watch the Ask the experts video series: COVID-19 vaccines questions.

Despite robust planning, not everything will be perfect as we begin validating proof of vaccination, and implementing rapid antigen testing for those with documented exemptions. As with all fluid situations, some things will be clearer than others and, as the past 18 months have taught us, there will likely be changes.



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Pharmacy Technician Program Handbook Copyright © 2021 by Centennial College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.


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