Lesson Plan – Unit Fractions in Ancient Egypt

Curriculum Expectations

Grade 9

B3. Number Sense and Operations

B3.2 apply an understanding of unit fractions and their relationship to other fractional amounts, in various contexts, including the use of measuring tools

Grade 8

B2. Operations

B2.5 add and subtract fractions, using appropriate strategies, in various contexts

Learning Goals of the Lesson

Students will

  • Learn what unit fractions are
  • Learn to decompose common fractions into sums of unit fractions
  • Solve problems using unit fractions

Getting Started

  • Open Chapter 4 – Fractions and project it on the big screen.
  • Tell students that today they will learn what Egyptian unit fractions are and solve some 4 thousand year old Egyptian problems
  • Find and show Egypt on the Map and Timeline
  • Let students listen to Egypt. Eye of Horus
  • Read and solve 4.8 with the class in a class discussion format. Leave the solution on the board

Working on It

  • Assign 4.1. Let students work in pairs or groups. If your students are familiar to the Thinking Classroom format let them work on vertical non-permanent surfaces (VNPS)
  • When students are done let them write their answers on the boards or chart paper or VNPS

Consolidating and Connecting (After)

  • Discuss which solution makes larger pieces when loaves are cut (1/2+1/3+1/15). This is an example of practical use of unit fractions.
  • Ask students to come up with examples when unit fractions might be useful in real world
  • Assign 4.2 and 4.4 either individually or in pairs. Students have to check their solutions with the teacher or they work in the Thinking Classroom format on the VNPS


Problems 4.3, 4.5 and 4.7 can be assigned for those who finish earlier

Assessment tools

Observation: Students check their answers with a teacher or they work on VNPS

Materials https://ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub/oersamplechapter/chapter/greece/

Note: Bar modeling method might be a greater tool to solve the above problems especially in Grade 8.