Internet Studies

Internet Studies is a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary area, involving political, economic, cultural, psychological, and other social factors, combined with other areas of computer studies and computer science and engineering (Dutton, 2013).   Internet Studies researches and develops theories that concern how culture and social structures, particularly the new networking of society – for example, social media and online social networks – are influenced by the ubiquitous presence of the Internet and Web (Dutton, 2013). Although Internet Studies is not formally a subfield of the digital humanities, there is a large area of overlap, especially concerning how humanities disciplines have integrated and continue to use digital materials, and the concept of “the digital” in general, as objects of study.  Furthermore, New Media Studies (see below), considered to be only tangentially related to the digital humanities, converges with Internet Studies, as well as other disciplines, where new media and the Internet are areas of inquiry (Dutton, 2013).



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