
Bioweb: Une journée dans la vie de Bobio!

View of blood stream red discs swirling through a red corridor

Source: qimono on Pixabay

The Resource

Bioweb uses storytelling and a cartoon character to engage learners in an online module on human anatomy. This fresh new look on this subject matter has delivered some significant learning gains and success for many learners on their journey in health programs at La Cité.

Why We Set Out to Build This Resource

We wanted to engage learners to go through basic biology content in preparation for health programs. This part of the curriculum is essential to success and is often the main roadblock for learners in their journey. We knew that a dry, traditional presentation of the concepts would not have the wanted impact, so we surveyed stakeholders and learned that we needed to use a new approach.

We decided to use a digital storyteller to build the modules and topics through the lens of a comic book character. This character, Bobio, is a 20-year-old boy who is intrigued by what is happening to his body. The navigation of the modules is aligned to the inquiry of the character and gives the topics a lighter, more entertaining twist. The modules are created in an interactive manner, with some concepts presented with images and activities, and questions being asked at various times in order to offer a dynamic experience to the learners.

How We Did It

We launched the first version of Bioweb in 2014 and there was some immediate impact. All learners taking the class 16074 – Biologie at College La Cité were pointed to the resource and were able to use the modules to reinforce the topics covered. After getting feedback from the users (both educators and learners), we added three additional modules and also built a pre-test and a post-test. These additions gave learners the opportunity to test their knowledge before and after taking the modules.

After each school year, we collect data from learners so we can improve the modules to ensure it answers their needs. The module is built on easy-to-modify technology, which makes updating it very straightforward and simple.

External Impact

The modules have been very popular with outside users as well. Since they are built as an open resource and are accessible from anywhere, we have found that many external parties have consulted them. For example, a number of French-speaking high schools have picked up Bioweb as an additional resource to their curriculum. The result is an unexpected opportunity for College La Cité to expose its work to many prospective learners. An English version might be coming soon!


URL: https://tinyurl.com/CiteBio

Contributed by

Liane Leclair and Suzanne Cormier, La Cité collégiale



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