Programs may want to preface this section by providing reviewers with a brief history and evolution of the program(s) under review, its relevant milestones and its purpose within the institution. Please include links to any relevant web pages.
1.1 Consistency of the Program with the University’s Mission and Academic Plan
Departments are asked to include a description of how the program aligns with McMaster’s mission and academic plan, including principles regarding equity, diversity and inclusion McMaster’s current priorities and Strategic Mandate Agreement should be at the forefront of program design. Information can be found by copying and pasting the links below into your web browser. The information below and corresponding links are the most update as of January 2024. Academic units should be sure to use the most current Strategic Mandate Agreement and university priorities when preparing this section.
Members of McMaster’s community share a collective responsibility to respond to and further the needs and interests of equity deserving groups, confront racism and all forms of discrimination, oppression and marginalization with the intention of building an inclusive campus culture for all students, staff and faculty.
Everyone has a role to play, especially those in positions of leadership and are seeking to improve, enhance and innovate academic programs, departments and faculties. The cyclical program review and the self-study can serve as one strategic opportunity to bolster equitable, inclusive and accessible policy and practices.
McMaster’s Strategic Mandate Agreement 2020-2025 (SMA3):
Please be sure to identify and explain which area(s) of institutional strength/focus outlined in the SMA3 that the program addresses. The SMA3 can be access via the following link: https://ira.mcmaster.ca/app/uploads/2020/11/McMaster-SMA3-Agreement-August-31-2020-SIGNED-FINAL.pdf
McMaster’s Current Priorities:
Please elaborate on how your program aligns with the current institutional priorities. Refer to the Provost & Vice-President (Academic) – Current Priorities website for the most up to date institutional priorities: https://provost.mcmaster.ca/office-of-the-provost/current-priorities/
Programs should address how they are engaging with the four areas of impact outlined in McMaster’s Teaching and Learning Strategy and how they are demonstrating compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).
Programs may also speak to McMaster’s national and international commitments such as the Okanagan Charter, the Scarborough Charter and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
If departments have their own vision and mission Statements and/or EDIA departmental commitments / statements they can highlight them in this section. If there are such vision or mission statements reflections can be made in terms of:
- How are they implemented and shared within the program (with staff, students, and faculty)?
- How are they connected to McMaster’s priorities?
- How there can be regular check-ins to evaluate the progress of these goals and can these goals be measured?
1.2 Program Requirements
Departments may provide a URL or attach the relevant Undergraduate Calendar/Graduate Calendar pages, program booklets and/or other relevant documents.
1.3 Alignment of Degree Level Expectations with Program Learning Outcomes
- Program Learning Outcomes: This section should indicate the knowledge, skills and values that graduates of the program will possess. The program learning outcomes should be met through the design of the program curriculum and its selected assessments. If a program has developed meaningful curriculum for students regarding the use of Generative AI, consider how this curriculum is supported and reflected in the Program Learning Outcomes. For more information on the use of Generative AI in Teaching and Learning, please refer to the Generative Artificial Intelligence in Teaching and Learning webpage. Ideally, program level outcomes should be in place prior to the cyclical review.
- Please note that if your academic program offers a 3-year Bachelor’s degree and an Honours Bachelor’s degree, these differences should be reflected in the program learning outcomes. If departments require additional assistance in the development/revision of their program learning outcomes, please contact: iqap@mcmaster.ca or see Section 4 for more details.
- Alignment with Degree Level Expectations: Once program learning outcomes have been outlined, departments should discuss the clarity and appropriateness of the program’s requirements and associated learning outcomes in meeting the Degree Level Expectations (UDLEs for undergraduate; GDLEs for graduate, respectively). Please be sure to address how the program meets or exceeds each of the DLEs listed below. Note: Appendix A and Appendix B describe the Degree Level Expectations in greater detail.
Undergraduate DLEs |
Graduate DLEs |
Depth and Breadth of Knowledge |
Depth and Breadth of Knowledge |
Knowledge of Methodologies |
Research and Scholarship |
Application of Knowledge |
Application of Knowledge |
Communication Skills |
Communication Skills |
Awareness of Limits of Knowledge |
Awareness of Limits of Knowledge |
Autonomy and Professional Capacity |
Autonomy and Professional Capacity |
A table can be used to assist in demonstrating this alignment; alternatively, departments may choose to include a narrative to describe this alignment.