Interview Preparation

Interview Preparation

Research the Employer

An interview presents a great opportunity to show your prospective employer that you are excited to work for them and that you are giving due consideration to how well the organization aligns with you and your career development goals. So, spend some time learning about the company: What does it do? What are its mission, goals, and values? You can find great information about your target employer in a number of places, including:

  • The job posting
  • The company’s web site
  • LinkedIn (look for its company page).

Research the Job

Researching the job you are interviewing for is the most important step you will take to prepare for the interview. This is because employers tailor interviews to determine how good a fit the candidate is for the job in question. If you have a good idea of what the job requires, you’ll be well positioned to prepare effectively for your interview.

So, just as you have spent time learning about the company, learn about the job by looking closely at the job posting or by reading the job description if one is available. You will get valuable clues about what is most important to the employer in a job candidate.

Let’s say you have applied to the job posting below and have been called for an interview.

Job: Data Analytics
Employer: XYZ Canada
Location: Anytown, ON
Experience: Experience an asset

We are XYZ, a three-time Best Places to Work award winner in insurance. We enable client success through the expertise of over 400 employees based in Canada (and more than 3,000 employees globally), investments in innovative technologies, and ensuring quality relationships with highly-rated insurers, vendors, and financial institutions.

We are seeking individuals who have:

  • Strong ability to work collaboratively in a remote or hybrid environment
  • Strong time management and organizational skills; quick learner
  • Ability to consistently meet deadlines independently and comfort with fast-paced, changing environments

Specific Skills:

  • Analytical Skills: Demonstrate a willingness to learn and develop analytical skills. This includes the ability to understand data, identify patterns, and draw insights.
  • Statistical Knowledge: Have a basic understanding of statistics and be eager to learn more.
  • Data Visualization: Understanding how to create effective data visualizations to communicate insights is valuable.
  • Database Management: Basic knowledge of database management systems to retrieve and manipulate data from databases.
  • Critical Thinking: Demonstrate the ability to think critically, approach problems analytically, ask questions, and seek solutions.
  • Attention to Detail: Keen eye for detail is important for ensuring data accuracy and quality.
  • Communication Skills: Effective communication is key, both in terms of expressing ideas and understanding instructions.
  • Problem-Solving Skills: Interns should demonstrate a willingness to tackle challenges and find creative solutions.
  • Learning Agility: Eager to learn and grow, open to feedback, willing to learn new tools and techniques, and adaptable to changing priorities.
  • Programming Skills: Familiarity with programming languages commonly used in data analysis, such as Python or R, is beneficial.

Answer the following questions based solely on information from the job posting:

“Tell Me About Yourself”

“Tell me about yourself” is one of the most common questions you will be asked as an interviewee, and it is often asked early on. So, knowing how to structure your answer will make a great positive impression from the start. Structure your answer using a present-past-future format:

  • Present: briefly explain where you are now in terms of your career, whether in terms of training, work, or both. Explain what you do and recount a positive accomplishment.
  • Past: indicate how you got where you are, for example, via education and/or past experiences.
  • Future: indicate what you’re looking to do next and show how the position you’re applying for aligns with how you envision your future

Here’s an example:


Why don’t you tell us a little about yourself and why you are interested in our position?


For the past year, I have been working at Infosplit, doing database maintenance. I also have some background in data analysis, both in my part time role and within school projects.

I have always been good with numbers and interested in big data. For example, during my part time experience at Infosplit, I made some recommendations to improve the quality of data inputs. This allowed for more robust analytics by the reporting department.

I am a quick learner and excited to be part of the Digital Technologies program to contribute and build my knowledge within your team.

Determine Likely Questions

One of the most valuable things a job posting can do is provide clues as to what the specific questions will be in the interview. As noted at the start of this module, employers conduct interviews to confirm 3 things:

  1. If you have the abilities and skills to do the job;
  2. If you will fit well with the team and the organization; and
  3. If you have enthusiasm and a good work ethic.

By looking closely at a job posting, you can often identify what the employer is looking for (and thus, what the employer is likely to ask during an interview).

Based solely on information from the job posting, it’s likely that you’ll be able to predict some of the topics that will be addressed during the interview. Below, you’ll see a number of quotes from the above posting. Before clicking them open to see what the likely question or topic is, see if you can guess them yourself.


Once you have determined the questions that will most likely be asked, you’ll be able to prepare your answers to interview questions in advance! That way, when the time comes for the interview,

  1. You are more likely to provide the information the interviewer is looking for in a way that has the strongest impact.
  2. You won’t be stuck trying to think of answers on the spot.
  3. You will feel more confident, and
  4. You will appear more confident.

Using the STAR framework

The STAR framework is a concept that is explained  under the “Articulating Your Skills” heading. This section will help contextualize ways to use the STAR framework to your advantage while interviewing. You might find it useful to complete the associated activity linked to above, as it will ask you to craft accomplishment statements for your portfolio that you can use in your resume.


The STAR framework is the method to use when responding to behavioural interview questions where the interviewer asks you to recount an occasion where you faced a certain situation and had to take some action (for example, “Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a conflict”).

Once you have determined what questions you are likely to be asked, prepare scenarios from your experiences – from work, education, placements, volunteering, etc. – where you demonstrated the skills and knowledge required for the target job. Instead of merely telling the interviewer you have the skills they seek, your answers to these questions give proof of those skills.

S-T-A-R stands for Situation, Task (or Tactics), Action, and Result: When responding to behavioural interview questions, be sure to include all of those elements.

Situation: briefly describe the specific situation you were in. (What was the context? Who was involved? What problem needed to be solved? etc.).

Task/Tactics: What was your responsibility in the situation? Explain your thought process and the options considered.

Action: Describe the course of action you took, step by step. Explain your rationale for taking the action you did.

Result: What was the positive outcome generated by your action? (E.g., What was accomplished, improved, or learned?)

Here’s an example of the STAR framework in action being applied to answer the following interview question: “Sometimes customers can be angry. Give an example of how you have handled this in the past?”

If you want some additional information on the STAR framework, you can read this article by Alison Doyle which details examples of the framework being used to answer interview questions.

Now that you’re familiar with the STAR Framework, try ordering the phrases found below to formulate a STAR response to the following interview question:

“Tell me about a time when you had to be strategic in order to meet all of your priorities.”

Questions For the Employer

You learned early in this module that a typical interview consists not only of questions by the employer for the candidate but also of a chance for the candidate to ask questions of the employer. Don’t miss this opportunity! Asking questions shows that you are engaged in the conversation, interested in the company and the job, and that you are enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and prepared. This is another chance for you to demonstrate your understanding of the company and the position, restate your skills and why you would be a great hire, and show your interest and passion for the work you hope to do with the organization. So, be prepared to ask 2-3 questions during your interview. Here are some ideas:

If the interviewer has not already described what to expect for the next steps in the selection process, this is a good time to ask. For example, you might ask, “What are the next steps in the interview process?” Remember, this is not the time for your questions about salary, benefits, or vacation time. Save those questions for when a job offer is extended. For now, focus on showing that you are the right person for the job.

Be prepared to ask 2-3 questions during your interview. Here are some ideas:


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