Dress for Success

Dress for Success

Your appearance for an interview should be designed to make a positive impression while keeping the focus on you. In other words, you do not want anything to distract from your interview.

What you wear depends on the workplace you’re looking to join: dress for the work environment (is it Business, Business Casual, or Casual?).

Generally, there are 3 categories of business attire:

For more visual examples of attire, follow our Pinterest page:

For more visual examples of attire, follow our Pinterest page: https://www.pinterest.ca/LSECOOP/_saved/


Business Casual


  • usually a matched suit (skirt suit or pantsuit)
  • collared shirt or blouse, white or plain in colour
  • darker colours, which tend to look more formal
  • Dress pants or skirt
  • Dress shirt
  • Optional: jacket or sweater


    • What to Wear for a Job Interview 
    • This video provides more great tips
    • If possible, find out the dress code of your target workplace. Then, take it one level up for the interview. In other words, err on the side of more formal: dress 20% better at an interview than you would on the job itself.
    • Dress in clothes that make you feel good; you will project yourself more confidently.
    • Try on your outfit; does it fit? Is it clean, in good repair, and wrinkle free?
    • Are your shoes clean and polished?
    • Practice good hygiene.
    • Don’t wear fragrances, as others may be sensitive.
    • Keep accessories to a minimum.
    • Check out the York U Career Centre website for more tips to dress for success


Media Attributions

  • interview


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Job Search Ready Strategies Copyright © 2023 by Jenny Peach is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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