Confirming References

Confirming References

You have already put a lot of work into getting to this point, so now let’s look at some highly effective strategies before the interview. This will help you keep that positive momentum.

Confirming References

A reference is a person who can vouch for your skills, knowledge, and experience as they relate to the jobs you apply for. Employers often check applicant references in order to verify statements you made in your resume or interview. Speaking with people who are familiar with your work can provide reassurance to the employer about your past responsibilities, work ethic, professional behaviour, skills, and dependability.

There are plenty of people you can ask to be a job reference for you. What is most important is that your references are willing and able to say positive things about you and your work. Just remember to always get permission before listing anyone as a reference. Call and ask the person if they would be comfortable speaking positively about you as a reference.

Here are some people you might consider asking:

    • past or current supervisor
    • former teacher, professor, advisor, or coach
    • someone you have volunteered for (or with)


Prepare your list of 3-4 references in advance and be prepared to provide them upon request, such as during an interview. Have both a hard and a soft copy prepared. This should be in the form of a one-page document with your name and contact details at the top, consistent with your resume and cover letter. Then, under the heading References, list each reference along with the following information: name, job title, company, phone, email, and relationship.

When you have been asked for your references or called for an interview, be sure to let your references know. This allows them to prepare to be contacted and prevents them from being caught off guard. This is also a good time to thank them once again for agreeing to act as a reference and to let them know about the job you’ve applied for. Giving your references a heads-up ensures they can be well-prepared to help you by providing a reference that supports your candidacy for the target job.

Here is an example of a reference sheet:

Yeo Lion

Toronto, Ontario





Nicole Chen

Supervisor, Moonbeam Inc.

(705) 555-7777

Nicole was my direct manager from 2020 to 2022 when I worked as a software developer for Moonbeam Inc.


Kwame Nelson

Team Lead, Softwerks Co.

(705) 555-0000

Kwame is an team lead in my part-time role


Cooper Moore

Instructor, ABC College

(705) 555-7770

*Instructor in 2 classes and my faculty advisor for my diploma




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Job Search Ready Strategies Copyright © 2023 by Jenny Peach is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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