Displaying Confidence

Displaying Confidence

Even after considerable planning and preparation, many people get nervous at the prospect of engaging in a job interview. This is natural! To start with, remember that interviews are a 2-way street: not only is the employer seeking to learn if you are a fit for them, but you are also seeking to learn if the employer and job will be a fit for you!

If your interview is in person and there are no social distancing measures currently being enforced, offer a firm handshake to each person taking part in the interview. Remember to smile, make eye contact, and use the person’s name when greeting. Check out this video on the Dos and Don’ts of interview handshakes.

Don’t be put off if you offer a handshake and it is declined. For some cultures, shaking hands is not appropriate. If you wish to politely decline a handshake yourself, try simply putting your hand to your chest with a smile.

The best way to establish confidence in your interviewing ability is practice! Don’t just read and write about interviewing skills – find a way to actually practice going through the interview process. The act of rehearsing “out loud” will help reveal considerations you may not have thought about. Here are some ideas:

  1. Find a friend to help you: They can play the part of an interviewer and conduct a mock interview with you. They might also be able to give you some advice on the way you present yourself and whether your answers are clear and compelling. “A mock interview helps you learn how to answer difficult questions, develop interview strategies, improve your communication skills, and reduce your stress before an actual job interview.”[1]
  2. Block off some time before and after your interview to gather your thoughts.
  3. Before your interview, take a few moments to think about what calms you and gets you in a confident, peaceful mind space. This might be a brief meditation, a short walk outside, or a quick pep talk from a friend.
  4. Try the Power Posing hack! Check out this TED Talk video about body language and power posing for confidence.
  5. Try the STOP mindfulness exercise:
    • S = Stop what you’re doing.
    • T = Take a few deep breaths to bring yourself fully into the present moment.
    • O = Observe what’s going on with your body, feelings, and thoughts. What physical sensations are you experiencing? What assumptions are you making?
    • P = Proceed with your activities, making an intentional choice to incorporate what you just learned.

When answering interview questions, do not feel compelled to rush quickly into your answer. It’s okay to take time to think before responding. If needed, you can also ask the interviewer to repeat a question or to skip the question temporarily and return to it later in the interview.


  1. https://www.thebalancecareers.com/how-to-use-mock-interviews-to-practice-interviewing-2061626#:~:text=A%20mock%20interview%20helps%20you,a%20formal%20list%20of%20questions


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