9.17 Exercises/Activities for Teachers and Students
- Review the Canadian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations. Share something you did not know that was a law related to health and safety. Brainstorm in large group.
- Explain the role due diligence plays in designing a health and safety plan for your company, as the HR Manager. Discuss with a partner.
- Some management employees believe that employees “have all the rights.” Do you support this statement? If so, why? If not, why? Share with a partner.
- Research online the Westray Law or former Bill C-45. What significance has it played in today’s companies? Discuss with a partner.
- As the HR Manager, you have one Supervisor, who never completes a Worker’s Compensation form when an employee has a small injury on the job. What would you tell this Supervisor about the importance and consequences of not filling in the form has for the Supervisor? The company? Share with a partner.
- Your company has a Joint Health & Safety Committee. However, they have not met in a year. How would approach the committee about the importance of their role, as the HR Manager? What could you do as the HR Manager to support the committee? Discuss in a small group.
- You, as the HR Manager, are aware that an Ontario Health & Safety officer is scheduled for an inspection next week of your company. What steps do you take once you aware of the inspection date? Share with a partner.
- Review online the WHMIS course materials. Individually. Discuss the requirements of Workplace hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) with a partner.
- An employee has been off work due to an injury for 6 months. They are returning in 2 weeks. You, as the HR Manager, need to prepare a Return To Work Plan. What steps would you take to prepare this plan? Discuss in a small group.
- You work as the HR Manager is a large car manufacturing company (2000 employees). What type of illness could fall under the category for 1. Occupational illness 2. Industrial disease. Brainstorm in large group.
- As the HR Manager, you have reviewed your illness data over the last year. You discover that several employees have taken short-term leaves of absences due to stress. What can you do to support employees to reduce stress levels? Brainstorm in large group.
- Workplace bullying is common in today’s workplace, even though there are laws prohibiting it, and to eliminate it. You need to create a campaign and training to educate and make employees aware that bullying is not tolerated in your company. How would you, as the HR Manager, go about this? Discussion in a small group.
- Read the Incident at a Canadian Sawmill in your text. Do you believe this explosion could have been avoided? How? Discuss in a small group.
- As the HR Manager, you need to train the Joint Health & Safety Committee in the investigation steps of an incident. How would you design the Lesson Plan? What would you include in the training? Discuss in small group.
- You have returned from a conference related to creating a safe culture. You want to ensure your company develops a safe culture for all employees. How would you, as the HR Manager, design a safe culture program? Discuss in a small group.