
8.3 Designing a Performance Management System

As stated prior, there are a number of factors to consider before designing or revising an existing performance management system. For the purposes of this chapter, let us assume we can create a system that will provide value to the organization and the employee. When designing this system, we should recognize that any process has its limitations, but if we plan it correctly, we can minimize some of these.

Defining Performance

The first step in the process of designing a performance management system is to define the performance that is to be measured. By now, it is probably obvious to you that this definition will stem from a job analysis.

Performance Appraisal

Feedback Frequency

The first step in the process is to determine how often performance appraisals should be given. Please keep in mind that managers should constantly be giving feedback to employees. The performance appraisal is a formal process for managing performance on a scheduled basis. Some organizations choose to give performance evaluations once per year, while others give them twice per year or more. The advantages to giving an evaluation twice per year, of course, are more feedback and more opportunity for employee development. The downside is the time it takes for the manager to write the evaluation and discuss it with the employee. If done well, it could take several hours for just one employee. Depending on your organization’s structure, you may choose one or the other.

For example, if most of your managers have five or ten people to manage (this is called span of control), it might be worthwhile to give performance evaluations more than once per year since the time cost is not high. If most of your managers have twenty or more employees, it may not be feasible to perform this process more than once per year.  This does not preclude the manager or supervisor from providing ongoing continuous feedback throughout the year.


The person evaluating (evaluator) an employee’s performance is most often their direct manager. However, performance input may also be provided by subordinates, clients, other managers, and those who having regular work related dealings with. The employee is also encouraged to conduct a self-evaluation or appraisal. Figure 7.3.1 “Advantages and Disadvantages of Each Source for Performance Evaluations” shows some of the advantages and disadvantages of each source of information for performance evaluations. Ultimately, using a variety of sources might garner the best results.

Figure 8.3.1. Advantages and Disadvantages of Each Source for Performance Evaluations
Source Advantages Disadvantages
  • Usually has extensive knowledge of the employee’s performance and abilities
  • Bias
  • Favouritism
  • Self-analysis can help with employee growth
  • Works well when the supervisor does not always directly observe the employee
  • In the employee’s interest to inflate his or her own ratings
  • Relationships can create bias in the review
  • Can bring different perspectives, since peers know the job well


  • If evaluations are tied to pay, this can put both the employee and the peer in an awkward situation
  • If confidential, may create mistrust within the organization
  • Personal relationships may introduce bias
  • Customers often have the best view of employee behaviour
  • Can enhance long-term relationships with the customer by asking for feedback
  • Can be expensive to obtain this feedback
  • Possible bias
  • Data garnered can include how well the manager treats employees
  • Can determine if employees feel there is favouritism within their department
  • Can be used as self-development tool for managers
  • Possible retaliation if results are not favourable
  • Subordinates may not understand the “big picture” and rate low as a result
  • Rating inflation
  • If confidential, may create mistrust within the organization
  • If nothing changes despite the evaluation, could create motivational issues among employees

Reliability and Validity

As seen earlier in the book, any measurement has to be reliable and valid. Reliability refers to how consistent the same measuring tool works throughout the organization (or job title). When we look at reliability in performance appraisals, we ask ourselves if two raters were to rate an employee, how close would the ratings be? If the ratings are far apart from one another, the method may have reliability issues. To prevent this kind of issue, we can make sure that performance standards are written in a way that will make them measurable. For example, instead of “increase sales” as a performance standard, we may want to say, “increase sales by 10 percent from last year.” This performance standard is easily measured and allows us to ensure the accuracy of our performance methods.

A common practice is developing SMART goals – specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound. Also, HRM often performs calibration meetings to ensure that evaluators understand the performance standards being assessed. During these meetings, supervisors, and an HR representative openly discuss their evaluations and, most importantly, the rationale behind them. This allows the supervisors (the raters) to establish a common, more uniform perspective on the process so that their evaluations are more reliable.

Validity is the extent to which the tool measures the relevant aspects of performance. The aspects of performance should be based on the essential skills and responsibilities of the job, and these should be reviewed often to make sure they are still applicable to the job analysis and description. There are two common issues that compromise the validity of performance appraisals – contamination and deficiency.

  1. First, contamination occurs when extraneous elements (i.e., factors that are unrelated to performance) influence the evaluation. For example, think of a retail company that uses ‘weekly sales’ as a performance measure for its salespeople and applies this standard equally for its store in DIX-30 (a large and busy commercial centre) and its store in Magog (a small municipality). The location would contaminate this measure (i.e., sales will naturally be higher in the  high-traffic store). There are many ways to contaminate a performance appraisal. A supervisor liking one employee more than another (or disliking an employee) is another classic example.
  2. Deficiency occurs when the measure fails to capture the entire range of performance. Sales revenue can also be an example of a deficient measure if it is the only criteria used because it fails to capture other areas that may be important such as customer service, collaboration, etc.

Essentially an effective performance assessment process is one that captures the whole spectrum of an employees’ performance. This level of precision is only an ideal because it is very hard to achieve in organizations. The role of HRM is to try, as much as possible, to minimize the presence of contamination and deficiency in the performance appraisal system. This can be done through various means such as a good design of the appraisal tool and proper training on how to use it.

8.3 Designing a Performance Management System” from Human Resources Management – 3rd Edition by Debra Patterson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.


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Human Resources Management Copyright © 2023 by Debra Patterson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.