
1.12 Summary


Human Resources Management is an integrated set of process, practices, programs and systems in an organization that focuses on the effective deployment and development of its employees. Through the strategic plan HR departments facilitate the process, are involved in research, and manage the people of the organization.

The evolution of HRM began in the 1900s and continues to evolve today as a strategic partner within organizations. The role of HRM is vast including laws/legislation, policies, job analysis/design, acquiring talent, training and development, performance assessment, compensation and benefits, labour relations, health and safety and analytics. The COVID-19 pandemic changed the role of HR forever, and the role will continue to play an important role in the shifting culture of organizations through remote work, videoconferencing, and the use of online tools.

The HR Manager’s role has responsibilities to the HR department, the executive groups and the employees of organizations. They require specific competencies, skills, education and experiences. Many factors influence companies through external and internal factors that are driven by the strategic plan. In today’s world of HRM, all HR employees need to be professionals that include qualifications to manage the complexities of the employees in businesses.

Organizational behaviour (OB) of individuals, teams and the organization as a whole plays a role in the strategy of companies. OB matters as it helps employees become more engaged in their work, lowers stress levels, and helps employees work more effectively. At an individual level, OB studies people’s values, personality, traits, self-esteem, locus of control, perception and motivation.  Various tests can be completed to discover a “fit” for an organization. Team development is important to organizations to ensure high performance and productivity. High performing teams share and coordinate their efforts through bonding and inspire each other. Teams have behaviours, the same as individuals, to cooperate, communicate, coordinate, resolve conflict and console. Organizations, as a whole, behave in certain ways. The employees have shared beliefs and values and shape the culture of the organization. As well, the culture of an organization is influenced by its ethics and codes of conduct.


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