
4.6 Faculty Perspective – Jennifer Dittmer

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Faculty Perspective


Video: Kinlin Experiential Marketing OER – Jennifer Dittmer by Fanshawe OER Design Studio[6:08] transcript available on YouTube


Jennifer Dittmer


Lawrence Kinlin School of Business and Employer Rounds Course

Course Highlights

Seeing clients express shock (in a good way!) when students present their final deliverables; discovering that businesses have followed student recommendations and incorporated student ideas in their marketing activities.

Advice to Faculty

Stay organized — there is a lot to keep track of, but the rewards are worth it!

Takeaways & Benefits

Gives students an opportunity to develop agile approaches to problem-solving in real-world scenarios while clients benefit from a level of professional input they might not otherwise be able to afford and instructors benefit from continuous opportunities for ongoing learning and fresh situations and ideas.