1.0 Faculty Perspective – Lina Manuel

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Faculty Perspective


Video: Kinlin Experiential Marketing OER – Lina Manuel by Fanshawe OER Design Studio[1:46] transcript available on YouTube


Lina Manuel


Lawrence Kinlin School of Business and Employer Rounds Course

Course Highlights

  • This course bridges theory and practice, preparing students for marketing careers through hands-on client projects.
  • Faculty mentors guide students through the experiential learning process, ensuring clients’ needs are aligned with student experiences.

Advice to Faculty

  • Engage and empower students to become confident consultants.
  • Encourage students to think critically, ask questions and dig deep into research.

Takeaways & Benefits

  • Students leave this course with practical skills and an understanding of real-world marketing challenges.
  • Students become agents of positive change by applying learning to benefit small businesses and non-profits.