
Book Title: Student-Centered Learning: Subversive Teachers and Standardized Worlds

Authors: P.K. Rangachari and Rosalyn Johnson

Cover image for Student-Centered Learning: Subversive Teachers and Standardized Worlds

Book Description: The essays in this volume that pay tribute to an outstanding educator, Delsworth Harnish from McMaster University deal with the problems and prospects of fostering student-centred learning in a standards-based world through subversive teaching. The essays are riffs on a theme mooted by Postman and Weingartner in their now classic book “Teaching as a Subversive Activity” The contributions from retired professors, senior educators to younger active instructors, educational researchers, medical and graduate students who provide a broad spectrum of opinions on those contentious issues. Though much has changed since the heady sixties and the tensions of the Vietnam War when the book was published, much abides. The enemies within and without have taken newer guise, but the tensions remain—the desires of teachers to spark individuality and the demands of society to straitjacket them in the guise of promoting efficiency.

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Book Information

Book Description

Delsworth Harnish, Vice- Dean of Undergraduate Education in the Faculty of Health Sciences at McMaster University was an acclaimed teacher who consistently fostered student centred learning. His untimely passing while he was still active provided an occasion to muse on themes dear to him. We sent a call out for teachers and students to consider specific issues linked to themes espoused in Postman and Weingartner’s polemic, “Teaching as a Subversive Activity”, a book that was central to Harnish’s educational philosophy.  We gave authors licence to express their views in any style they chose. In the resulting patchwork of essays, retired professors, senior educators , younger active instructors, educational researchers, medical and graduate students, from several different continents,  consider a persistent tension in post- secondary education—the desires of teachers to spark individuality and the demands of society to have students formulated  sprawling on a pin in a forlorn bid to promote efficiency.


P.K. Rangachari and Rosalyn Johnson




Student-Centered Learning: Subversive Teachers and Standardized Worlds
P.K. Rangachari and Rosalyn Johnson
Primary Subject