
Mobile Devices

Can you answer these questions?

1. Name 3 things that a smartphone can do.
2. What is Wifi?
3. What is one of the benefits (pros) of having a pay-as-you-go phone?
4. In what folder can you find your photos from your smartphone?
a) Images b) DCIM c) PhonePics
5. How do you delete information from your phone?

Look at this picture. Read the expressions we use when we are talking about smart phones. How many of these expressions do you use?

Fill in the blanks

Make a word cloud.

Create a word cloud using the WORD LIST below.

Go to WordItOut.com/word-cloud/create and type the words below into the white box. Click the green box that says Generate to make your word cloud, then show your instructor.

Here is the word list:

  • tablet
  • smartphone
  • camera
  • data
  • apps
  • internet
  • delete
  • text messages
  • gallery

Fill in the blanks


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