Book Title: Designing Quality Tech-Enabled Learning Experiences

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Book Description
The overarching objective of this 4-module course will be to facilitate the development of faculty, instructors, and teaching staff who seek to create quality, technology-enhanced (digital) learner experiences. Learners will leave the course able to take the best resources and experiences from this course and apply them to the design and structures of their own courses.
The course will meet the above objectives through its community building and e-moderation in the first half of the course as participants are blueprinting technology-enhanced learner experiences in the first module, and blueprinting learner interactions within the second. Module 3 and 4 will enhance participant draft designs through activity that assures access to flexible experiences and activates learning effectively within digital spaces.
Designing Quality Tech-Enabled Learning Experiences Copyright © 2022 by TeachingCommons@LU and TeachingHub@NU is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Educational: Design and technology