
Laboratory Tests Reference Ranges

Complete Blood Count 1

RBC Tests 1 Conventional units SI units
RBC Men: 4.5-5.9 x 106/mcl

Women: 4.1-5.1 x 106/mcl

Men: 4.5-5.9 x 1012/L

Women: 4.1-5.1 x 1012/L

Hb Men: 14-17.5 g/dL

Women: 12.3-15.3 g/dL

Men: 140-175 g/L

Women: 123-153 g/L

Hematocrit Men: 41.5-50.4%

Women: 35.9-44.6%

Men: 0.415-0.504 volume fraction

Women: 0.359-0.446 volume fraction

MCV 80-96 micrometer 80-96 fL
MCH 27.5-33.2 pg 27.5-33.2 pg
MCHC 33.4-35.5 g/dL 334-355 g/L
RBC Distribution Width (RDW, RDW-SD, RDW-CV) Not always reported This indicates that RBC are uniform in size.
Reticulocyte count (Not always done) 0.5-1.5% or
25-125 x 103/mcl
0.005-0.015 number fraction or
25-125 x 109/L
WBC Tests 1 Conventional units SI units
WBC counts 4,500-11,000 white blood cells per microliter (mcL) 4.5-11.0 x 109 per liter (L)
Absolute neutrophil count, % neutrophils (Neu, PMN, polys) Percent (mean): 56%

Absolute count: 1800-7800 cells per microliter (mcL)

Mean number fraction: 0.56

Absolute count: 1.8-7.8 x 109 per liter

Absolute lymphocyte count, % lymphocytes (Lymph) Percent (mean) 34%

Absolute count: 1000-4800 cells per microliter (mcL)

-Mean number fraction: 0.34

-Absolute count: 1.0-4.8 x 109 per liter

Absolute monocyte count, % monocytes (Mono) Percent (mean) 4%

Absolute count: 0-800 cells per microliter (mcL)

Mean number fraction 0.04

Absolute count: 0-0.80 x 109 per liter

Absolute eosinophil count, % eosinophils (Eos) Percent (mean) 2.7%

Absolute count: 0-450 cells per microliter (mcL)

Mean number fraction 0.027

Absolute count: 0-0.45 x 109 per liter

Absolute basophil count, % basophils (Baso) Percent (mean) 0.3%

Absolute count: 0-200 cells per microliter (mcL)

Mean number fraction 0.030

Absolute count: 0-0.20 x 109 per liter

Platelet tests 1 Conventional units SI units
Platelet Count (Plt) 150-450 x 103/microliter 150-450 x 109/L
MPV (Mean Platelet Volume) Not always reported This indicates the average size of platelets is small; older platelets are generally smaller than young ones and a low MPV may mean that a condition is affecting the production of platelets by the bone marrow.
PDW (Platelet Distribution Width) Not always reported Indicates uniformity in size of platelets.


Coagulation (Hemostasis) profile 2

Clinical laboratory test 2 Normal value in adults
Bleeding time (Ivy method), blood 1–9 min
International normalized ratio (INR), nonanticoagulated, blood 0.9–1.2
Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), nonanticoagulated, blood 22–30 s
Prothrombin time (PT), blood 10–14 s


Lipid panel 3,4,5,6,7

Test Optimal or Desirable Near/Above Optimal Borderline High High Very High
LDL Cholesterol4 Less than 100 mg/dL;

with CVD or diabetes: less than 70 mg/dL


100-129 mg/dL

130-159 mg/dL


160-189 mg/dL


Greater than 190 mg/dL
Total Cholesterol5 Less than 200 mg/dL 200-239 mg/dL 240 mg/dL or higher
Fasting Triglycerides3 Less than 150 mg/dL 150-199 mg/dL 200-499 mg/dL Greater than 500 mg/dL
Non-HDL Cholesterol6 Less than 130 mg/dL 130-159 mg/dL 160-189 mg/dL 190-219 mg/dL Greater than 220 mg/dL


HDL Cholesterol7 Low Level, Increased Risk Average Level, Average Risk High Level, Less than Average Risk
Women Less than 50 mg/dL (1.3 mmol/L) 50-59 mg/dl (1.3-1.5 mmol/L) 60 mg/dL (1.55 mmol/L) or higher
Men Less than 40 mg/dL (1.0 mmol/L) 40-50 mg/dL (1.0-1.3 mmol/L) 60 mg/dL (1.55 mmol/L) or higher


Liver function tests8

Alanine transaminase (ALT) 7 to 55 units per liter (U/L)
Aspartate transaminase (AST) 8 to 48 U/L
Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) 40 to 129 U/L
Albumin 3.5 to 5.0 grams per deciliter (g/dL)
Total protein 6.3 to 7.9 g/dL
Bilirubin 0.1 to 1.2 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL)
Gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) 8 to 61 U/L
L-lactate dehydrogenase (LD) 122 to 222 U/L
Prothrombin time (PT) 9.4 to 12.5 seconds


Iron panel9,10,11

Iron Panel Tests Adult Male Adult Female
Iron(µg/dL)9 35-165 35-165
Ferritin(µg/L)11 24-336 11-307
Transferrin(mg/dL)10 215-365 250-380
TIBC(µg/dL)9 252-479 252-479
Iron Saturation(%)9 20-50 15-50


Arterial Blood Gas11

Clinical laboratory test11 Normal value in adults
pH, arterial blood 7.38–7.46
Pco2, arterial blood 32–45 mm Hg
Po2, arterial blood 83–116 mm Hg
Bicarbonate (HCO3), arterial blood 22–27 mmol/L
Base excess, arterial blood −2.5 to 2.5 mmol/L


Thyroid profile11

Clinical laboratory test11 Normal value in adults
Thyroid peroxidase antibody, blood < 35 IU/mL
Thyrotropin (thyroid-stimulating hormone), blood 0.34–5.60 mIU/L
Thyroxine, free (FT4), blood 7.0–17.0 pmol/L
Triiodothyronine, free (FT3), blood 3.3–6.0 pmol/L


Chemical constituents in blood11

Clinical laboratory test11 Normal value in adults
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), blood At 8 AM: 2.2–13.3 pmol/L

At 4 PM: < 4.5 pmol/L

Albumin, blood 34–50 g/L
Aldosterone, blood 61–978 pmol/L
Alkaline phosphatase, blood 50–136 IU/L
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), blood 17–63 IU/L
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST), blood 15–37 IU/L
γ-Glutamyltransferase (GGT), blood 5.0–55.0 IU/L (Female)

15.0–85.0 IU/L (Male)

Ammonia, blood ≤ 35 µmol/L
Amylase, blood 25–115 IU/L
Anion gap, blood 5–12 mmol/L
Bicarbonate (HCO3), blood 21–32 mmol/L
Bilirubin, blood
Direct (conjugated) 2–9 µmol/L
Total 3–17 µmol/L
Brain-type natriuretic peptide (BNP)
BNP, blood ≤ 50 pg/mL
𝘕-terminal pro–brain-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP), blood ≤ 125 pg/mL
CD4 T-cell count, blood 500–2000 cells/μL
C-reactive protein, blood ≤ 10 mg/L
Calcium (Ca), blood
Total 2.12–2.52 mmol/L
Ionized 1.14–1.28 mmol/L
Cancer antigen (CA) 125, blood < 35 kIU/L
Cancer antigen (CA) 19-9, blood < 35 kIU/L
Carbamazepine, blood 17–51 µmol/L
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), blood < 3.0 µg/L
Chloride (Cl), blood 98–107 mmol/L
Cortisol, blood


Morning (AM): 185–624 nmol/L

Evening (PM): ≤ 276 nmol/L

Creatine kinase (CK), blood 30–190 IU/L (Female)

30–250 IU/L (Male)

Creatinine, blood 22–75 µmol/L (Female)

49–93 µmol/L (Male)

D-dimer, blood < 600 µg/L
Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), blood ≥ 60 mL/min/1.73 m2
α1-Fetoprotein, blood ≤ 9.0 µg/L
Folate (folic acid), blood ≥ 10.0 nmol/L
Glucose, blood 4.0–6.0 mmol/L (Fasting)

4.0–11.0 mmol/L (Random)

Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), blood 4.8%–6.0%
Hepatitis B surface antibodies, blood ≥ 10 mIU/mL (Positive)

< 10 mIU/mL (Negative)

Lactate, blood 0.5–2.5 mmol/L
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), blood 100–205 IU/L
Lipase, blood 73–393 IU/L
Lithium (Li), blood 0.6–1.2 mmol/L (Age 18–65 y)

0.4–0.8 mmol/L (Age > 65 y)

Magnesium (Mg), blood 0.74–1.03 mmol/L
Osmolality, blood 275–295 mmol/kg
Parathyroid hormone (PTH), blood 1.6–9.3 pmol/L
Phosphate (PO4), blood 0.81–1.58 mmol/L
Potassium (K), blood 3.5–5.1 mmol/L
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA), blood < 3.1 µg/L
Protein, total, blood 65–83 g/L (Age 18–<30 y)

65–78 g/L (Age ≥30 y)

Rheumatoid factor (RF), blood ≤ 20 kIU/L
Troponin I, blood ≤ 45 ng/L
Troponin T (TnT), blood ≤ 0.1 µg/L
Uric acid, blood 155–400 µmol/L (Female)

208–400 µmol/L (Male)

Urea, blood 2.1–8.0 mmol/L
Valproic acid, blood 350–700 µmol/L
Vitamin B12, blood 133–675 pmol/L
Vitamin D (25-hydroxyvitamin D), blood 75–250 nmol/L




Clinical laboratory test11 Normal value in adults
Specific gravity, urine 1.005–1.030
pH, urine 5.0–8.5
Urobilinogen, urine ≤ 16.0 µmol/L
Albumin to creatinine ratio, urine ≤ 2.0 g/mol Cr
Osmolality, urine 38–1400 mOsm/kg H2O


24-hour specimen11

Clinical laboratory test11 Normal value in adults
Urine calcium (Ca), unrestricted diet, 24-h specimen 2.5–7.5 mmol/24 h
Urine chloride (Cl), 24-h specimen 110.0–250.0 mmol/24 h
Urine creatinine, weight-based, 24-h specimen 5.3–15.9 mmol/24 h (Female)

7.1–17.7 mmol/24 h (Male)

Urine metanephrine, 24-h specimen 0.2–1.3 µmol/24 h (Female)

0.3–2.0 µmol/24 h (Male)

Urine protein, 24-h specimen < 0.2 g/24 h
Urine potassium (K), 24-h specimen 25.0–125.0 mmol/24 h
Urinary free cortisol, 24-h specimen 58.0–306.0 µg/24 h
Urine sodium (Na), 24-h specimen 40.0–220.0 mmol/24 h


Reproductive hormones11

Clinical laboratory test11 Normal value in adult female Normal value in adult male
Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S), blood 1.4–8.7 µmol/L (18–20 y)

0.5–10.6 µmol/L (21–29 y)

0.6–7.2 µmol/L (30–39 y)

0.5–6.3 µmol/L (40–49 y)

0.2–5.1 µmol/L (50–59 y)

0.3–3.6 µmol/L (60–69 y)

0.2–4.8 µmol/L (70–118 y)

0.7–14.6 µmol/L (18–20 y)

2.3–18.7 µmol/L (21–29 y)

2.9–12.6 µmol/L (30–39 y)

1.9–13.4 µmol/L (40–49 y)

1.0–8.5 µmol/L (50–59 y)

0.7–6.6 µmol/L (60–69 y)

0.1–6.9 µmol/L (70–118 y)

Estrogens, total, blood 60–400 ng/L (Female)
Estradiol (E2) [report the phase of the menstrual cycle], blood 50–100 pmol/L (Follicular phase)

50–200 pmol/L (Midcycle peak)

70–150 pmol/L (Luteal phase)

37–110 pmol/L
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) [report the phase of the menstrual cycle], blood 3.9–8.8 IU/L (Midfollicular phase)

4.5–22.5 IU/L (Midcycle peak)

1.8–5.1 IU/L (Midluteal phase)

16.7–113.6 IU/L (Postmenopausal)

1.0–19.0 IU/L
Human chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG), nonpregnant, blood < 5 IU/L (Female)
Luteinizing hormone (LH) [report the phase of the menstrual cycle], blood 2.1–10.8 IU/L (Midfollicular phase)

19.2–103.0 IU/L (Midcycle peak)

1.2–12.9 IU/L (Midluteal phase)

10.9–58.6 IU/L (Postmenopausal)

1.0–9.0 IU/L
Progesterone [report the phase of the menstrual cycle], blood 1.0–4.8 nmol/L (Midfollicular phase)

16.4–59.0 nmol/L (Midluteal phase)

0.5–6.6 nmol/L
Prolactin, blood 3–27 µg/L (Premenopausal)

3–20 µg/L (Postmenopausal)

3–13 µg/L
Testosterone, blood ≤ 2.6 nmol/L 6.1–27.1 nmol/L


Semen analysis11

Clinical laboratory test Normal value in adults
Ejaculate volume, semen ≥ 1.5 mL
pH, semen ≥ 7.2
Sperm concentration, semen ≥ 15 × 106 spermatozoa/mL
Total sperm number, semen ≥ 39 × 106 spermatozoa/ejaculate
Motility, semen ≥ 40%
Forward progression, semen ≥ 32%
Normal morphology, semen ≥ 4% normal
Sperm agglutination, semen Absent
Viscosity, semen ≤ 2-cm thread after liquefaction



Clinical laboratory test Normal value in adults
Fecal fat < 5 g/day in patients on a 100-g fat diet


Tests and analyses that do not require a normal value11

Urine (not dipstick) ·      Eosinophils, urine

·      Sodium (Na), urine

·      Glucose, urine

·      Bilirubin, urine

·      Ketone, urine

·      Blood, urine

·      Protein, urine

·      Nitrite, urine

·      Leukocytes, urine

Urinalysis, dipstick testing  

·      Bilirubin, urine

·      Blood, urine

·      Glucose, urine

·      Ketones, urine

·      Leukocyte esterase, urine

·      Nitrite, urine

·      Protein, urine

Chemical Constituents  

·      Ethanol (ethyl alcohol)

·      Hepatitis A IgM antibody

·      Hepatitis A IgG antibody

·      Hepatitis C antibody

·      HIV viral load


Stool ·      Stool culture



·      Pleural fluid

·      Cerebrospinal fluid

·      Synovial fluid

·      Ascitic fluid



  1. Complete Blood Count (CBC) – Understand the Test & Your Results. Lab Tests Online. (2021). Retrieved 27 August 2021, from https://labtestsonline.org/tests/complete-blood-count-cbc.
  2. Normal Values | Medical Council of Canada. Mcc.ca. (2021). Retrieved 27 August 2021, from https://mcc.ca/objectives/normal-values/.
  3. Triglycerides – Understand the Test & Your Results. Lab Tests Online. (2021). Retrieved 27 August 2021, from https://labtestsonline.org/tests/triglycerides.
  4. LDL Cholesterol – Understand the Test & Your Results. Lab Tests Online. (2021). Retrieved 27 August 2021, from https://labtestsonline.org/tests/ldl-cholesterol.
  5. Cholesterol Test | Lab Tests Online. Lab Tests Online. (2021). Retrieved 27 August 2021, from https://labtestsonline.org/tests/cholesterol.
  6. Non-High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol | Lab Tests Online. Lab Tests Online. (2021). Retrieved 27 August 2021, from https://labtestsonline.org/tests/non-high-density-lipoprotein-cholesterol.
  7. HDL Cholesterol – Understand the Test & Your Results. Lab Tests Online. (2021). Retrieved 27 August 2021, from https://labtestsonline.org/tests/hdl-cholesterol.
  8. Liver function tests – Mayo Clinic. Mayoclinic.org. (2021). Retrieved 27 August 2021, from https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/liver-function-tests/about/pac-20394595.
  9. Center, U. (2021). Iron Profile | Mclendon Clinical Laboratories | UNC Medical Center, Hospitals – Chapel Hill, NC. Uncmedicalcenter.org. Retrieved 27 August 2021, from https://www.uncmedicalcenter.org/mclendon-clinical-laboratories/available-tests/iron-profile/.
  10. Center, U. (2021). Transferrin | Mclendon Clinical Laboratories | UNC Medical Center, Hospitals – Chapel Hill, NC. Uncmedicalcenter.org. Retrieved 27 August 2021, from https://www.uncmedicalcenter.org/mclendon-clinical-laboratories/available-tests/transferrin/.
  11. Normal Values | Medical Council of Canada. Mcc.ca. (2021). Retrieved 27 August 2021, from https://mcc.ca/objectives/normal-values/.

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This post is adapted for the Health & Medical Case Studies created by the Master of Medical Biotechnology program of the University of Windsor. This work licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC-ND) 4.0 International License.


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HEALTH & MEDICAL CASE STUDIES (V1.01) Copyright © 2023 by Dr. Tranum Kaur is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.