
3.11 Key Terms Study Guide

Figure 3.11.1 Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

The material in this chapter are the core of being Trauma Informed.  Once you understand the importance of the many areas necessary to be trauma informed you will be more effective.  You may be familiar with these terms, but If you are not familiar with the terms below, I recommend you download this study sheet, add more spaces to write in definitions and relevant information (or make flashcards) as you read the chapter and watch videos.

  1. Assessment
  2. Incarcerated
  3. Integrated Screening, Assessment and Training
    in Trauma Informed Care
  4. Intergenerational Trauma
  5. Residential Schools
  6. Screening
  7. Training
  8. Trauma
  9. Trauma Informed
  10. Trauma Informed Care
  11. Trauma Informed for Behaviour Support
  12. Trauma informed for Diverse Clients’ Groups
  13. Trauma Informed for Incarcerated
  14. Trauma Informed in Theory
  15. Trauma Informed in Practice
  16. Trauma Informed of Childhood Trauma
  17. Trauma Informed Practice for Indigenous Peoples
  18. Trauma Informed Rights
  19. Vicarious Trauma


3.11.1 Unsplash License