Unit 2: Canada the Good? Anti-Black Racism in Canadian History
Week 5 – Day 1 – Rediscovering Erased Histories

(c) Kit Lang (used with permission)
Required Material
Robyn Maynard, Policing Black Lives
- Chapter 1 (pages 34-48)
- Cooper, A. (2014). Marie-Joseph Angélique. The Canadian Encyclopedia. [link]
- Cooper, A. (2000). Confessions of a Woman Who Burnt Down a Town. Canadian Poetry Online. [link]
- Blair Newby (2019). Badass Black History in Chatham-Kent. A Nerd At Large. [link]
Marie-Josèphe Angélique: Montreal on Fire. Episode 3 of the Strong and Free Podcast by Historica Canada. (33 mins)
- The Province of Jamaica. The Secret Life of Canada Podcast by CBC. (50 mins)
- Africville: The Black Community Bulldozed by the City of Halifax (2 mins)
- Africville’s destruction is a shameful chapter in Canadian history, but it must be remembered. (4.5 mins)
- The Atlantic slave trade: What too few textbooks told you. (5.5 mins)
Black Women and the Sexual Violence Movement
Black women has been leading the movement against sexual violence for over 150 years. It is necessary to acknowledge the many advancements made and continued by Black leaders.
Rosa Parks was an early activist involved with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1943. Parks advocated for Black people who had been sexually victimized by white people, helping to ensure their cases would be heard in court. Parks had advocated for these individuals after a white neighbour had attempted to assault her in 1931. So, although she is most remembered for her bus protest in Alabama in 1955, Rosa Parks was an early advocate in the sexual violence movement.
Tarana Burke is a survivor and activist who started the #MeToo hashtag to discuss the prevalence of sexual violence in marginalized communities. Burke is also a leader in the sexual violence movement and she continues to raise awareness.
Required Assessment!
Quiz #2: Topic…
This is the second graded quiz for our course. You will complete a total of 6 quizzes, with your top 4 each worth 5% of your total grade.
Navigate to your LMS course site and locate Quiz #2 to begin. You will have __MINUTES to complete this.
Optional Resources
- The Hanging of Angelique, a book by Afua Cooper