
About this Course


Required Textbooks (to be purchased)

Policing Black Lives: State Violence from Slavery to Present by Robyn Maynard (2017)

They Said This Would Be Fun: Race, Campus Life, and Growing Up by Eternity Martis (2021)

Note from the Instructor: Policing Black Lives can be thought of as a textbook while They Said This Would be Fun is a complimentary reading about the lived experience of a Black woman navigating post-secondary education in Ontario, Canada.

Course Schedule

This course will have both synchronous and asynchronous components, allowing you greater flexibility in your learning journey. Each week, with the exception of the first and last, will have one day where you are expected to complete work on your own time, and a second day reserved for live class time where we will come together to discuss major concepts. Both days of the first and last weeks of the course will be live sessions, as we work to build community and then to wrap up our time together.

Outline of Your Assessments

infographic representation of course assessments (information replicated in text below)



There will be 6 quizzes, with the four top scores being counted toward your final grade at 5% each. All quiz dates are noted in your syllabus document, and will be hosted on your Brightspace course site.

ePortfolio Reflections

You will be creating at least five ePortfolio submissions throughout the course, and will be encouraged to use the platform as a reflective journal for other ungraded activities as well. The ePortfolios section of this Pressbook will help you get started with your ePortfolio website if you have not already started one (some students may have an existing ePortfolio created for other courses). We will also work together in the first week of classes to set ourselves up for success.

Active Engagement

This course emphasizes the importance of critical engagement and community building. You will be expected to actively engage in class discussions and activities throughout the semester. You can find the engagement rubric in Appendix 1.

Take-Home Final Exam

You will have 24 hours to complete the exam, and it will consist of a variety of question formats including short essays. Your instructor will give you more details as the end of the semester approaches.