
Unit 3: Confronting Systemic Anti-Black Racism in Canada

Week 9 – Day 2 – The White Gaze

Today is a LIVE class day! We will be meeting in our Virtual Classroom on Blackboard. See you there!




Toni Morrison – “The White Gaze”

Toni Morrison coined the idea of the White Gaze. In doing so she made sure that it did not remain the dominant voice in her own literary works. In this interview, she discusses the white gaze, how it operates, and the critiques she has received on her work for her concentration on Blackness.

This video can be accessed at this link, and is subject to terms of Fair Use.

39 Cents – Saturday Night Live (SNL) Skit

This video can be accessed at this link. The 39 Cents skit is owned by Saturday Night Live and is subject to copyright.